Chapter 2: Hall Monitor

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I opened my locker and grabbed my brand new history books, we got them yesterday on our first in class. They were shiny, new, and smelled really nice. I closed my locker and started walk to my next class. Which happened to be on the other side of the building.

Halfway there, I remembered that I had to bring my syllabus to class today, or it could effect my grades. I started to sprint back to my locker as the halls cleared of students. I checked my watch, I was already late. I had never skipped before, and the second day of school was not when I was going to start.

I slammed open my locker and grabbed the light pink paper of my near future, and took off to my class.

"Hey! Don't run in the halls!" Somebody shouted. I turned my head to see Butters walking after me with his hallway monitor badge held high.
I rolled my eyes and slowed down.

"Butters, I need to get to class dude!" I exclaimed worriedly. Butters shook his head.

"No no, no no no. Safety knows no time limits. I'm just trying to help you Kyle." He smiled.

I started walking again, keeping him in my sight. "Gah, just let me off easy. Please, Butters?" I pleaded.

"Well, I guess so. It is just the second day. See you later-"

"Thanks bye!" I fast walked to room 184 and casually walked in. I sat at my desk and went to the page marked on the board. I felt everyone staring at me. It was an awful feeling, until it was interrupted by light chalkboard screeches. I looked up and cursed at what I saw on the board. 'See me after class, orange jacket.'

I let my head fall into my book where I laid for the rest of class. Once I heard the bell ring, I looked up to see people giving me sympathetic looks. They are probably glad it wasn't them.

I slowly made my way up to the Teacher's desk. She was lightly tapping a pencil on the desk and furrowing her eyebrows. I hunched over a bit and put my hands behind my back.

"Do you know why I told you to stay back?" She glared at me, piercing blue eyes cold as winter.

"Yes ma'am." I nodded.

"I'm going to let you off easy, because I know that you're a good kid, Kyle." She paused, and looked at the syllabus I was holding. "That's not due until tomorrow, but I can take it now if you'd like."

I cursed in my head, and sighed as I handed her the paper. "Thank you ma'am."


"Yeah dude, I can't believe she let me off that easy." I shook my head. Stan was walking next to me, we walk home together everyday. We figured it would be a good idea because we live two houses away from each other.

Stan cleared his throat. "So... Are there any girls that you think are cute?" He turned to look at me, continuing to walk.

I blushed slightly, after all this time he doesn't know my biggest secret. He hasn't even talked about anything along the lines of it. But I knew that I needed to think of something quick, I couldn't let him find out.

"Yeah. I think uh, um. That Wendy girl is pretty." I cringed.

"Yeah... She is pretty cute." He looked away in thought.

The rest of the commute was quiet and frosty, he walked up to his how when we got to it, and I quickly continued to my house.

After getting home I went upstairs, avoiding my mom and my brother. Completely isolating myself in my room. I leaned against the door and let out a deep sigh. I wish they could be here right now, right next to me. I want to feel their hand in my own, I want to feel their soft, black hair. I want them.

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