Chapter 11

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J pov

"Go ahead Lonnie I'll catch up with you later. I gotta ask for 'tutoring'." I wink at him and nod towards Selena. "Ight J. See ya at lunch man." We do our hand shake and he leaves. "Selena, hold up" I grab her hand before she walks down the hallway. "Yes J?" She asks.

Why does she have to smile so sexily?!?!?!? "I...Uhh...can you tutor me?" I say with my signature smirk. "Sure. Anything for you J." She winks at me and we walk to our next class. If relationships were my cup of tea then Selena would be the perfect girl for me. I smile to myself as I think of what we could be in the future.... Just maybe.

Selena pov

Yes!!!! I will be spending time with J outside of school. I gotta change clothes. I gotta fix my hair and makeup. Hell I gotta look as sexy as possible for her.

I was so into my thoughts that I forgot J was talking to me. Oops lemme tune back in. ".....can you come?" She asked smirking at me. Had I heard her correctly??? "Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow at her and cocked my head to the side.

"I said, I'm free tonight. Can you come over?" She chuckled. "Oh, right. Ahem yes of course. What time?" I blushed slightly. "Around 7. I'll make you dinner? It's a date?" She asked as we walked into class. "Dinner sounds good. Yes it's a date" I giggled.

After school
Still Selena pov

I texted J to remind her that I'm coming over. I didn't get a reply so I guess she's still cooking dinner. I wonder what she's making. Hopefully a pasta dish. I love pasta!

As I walk up to the door I hear yelling coming from inside. I knock on the door to see a heated J in an apron. She is really pissed off but her mood lightens when she sees me. "Sel, hey come on in."

She leads me to the living room and I see that Kayla girl from the party on her couch. I guess they had just finished their argument. I sit on the couch far away from her as possible. Talk about an awkward moment. J walked up to me and kissed my cheek, "Dinner's almost ready babe."

I smiled and watched as she walked back to the kitchen while Kayla followed. As if on impulse I followed too. "So that's why you aren't feeling me no more? That's why you won't have sex with me? What does she have that I don't?" Kayla said walking up to J and looking into her eyes.

J looked past her at me smiling, "I made us spaghetti. I don't really know what you like. Don't mind her," she glanced at Kayla, "she was just leaving." Kayla didn't say anything else she just stormed past me and out of the door.

"Aren't you gonna give her a ride home?" I asked utterly concerned about her walking home alone at night. "No, she found her own way here didn't she?" I looked at her like she was crazy. "We can get started after dinner." She said while fixing two big plates full of spaghetti.

J pov

"Can we take a break before my brain explodes? " I asked tired of remembering formulas I already knew. Actually I just wanted to make out with her. "Yeah, sure I don't mind." As soon as she said that I leaned back on my bed to get comfortable.

"So.... What's up with you and Kayla?" She asks getting up from the floor and making herself comfortable on my bed. "What you mean?" "Well is she your girlfriend? Fuck buddy? Or something else?" I look at her and smirk devilishly. "You could try 'friend zoned groupie'."

"I'm sorry I naturally assumed....well she seemed pretty pissed off about me being here. Do you love her?" I looked into her eyes and felt a strange feeling in my stomach. Butterflies??? It can't be. I'm heartless and cruel. I break girls hearts. What is this? "Sel, you're so beautiful..." I stroked her face and she leaned into my hand savoring my touch.

I leaned closer until my lips met hers moving in perfect synch. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she granted. As I slipped my tongue into her mouth she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me on top of her.

Pic of Lonnie

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