Chapter 20

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Jas pov

I glared daggers at T across the lunch table. I was still mad at her for sleeping with J. It's a surprise that Kayla doesn't know about it yet. My thoughts were interrupted by Kayla plopping down at the table. "Guys we have a problem. Selena and J had coffee together."

I burst out laughing and she looked at me like I was crazy. "How is that a problem?" I asked her. "Helloooo, what if she told her what happened?" She looked at me and T for an answer. "That's your problem. Not ours. Now you go find the answer." T said as she bit into her slice of pizza.

"Oh look. Here comes J now." I said as J made her way over to us and sat down. "Ladies," she said addressing me and T. "Kayla" she said as she ate her fries. "So how was your breakfast with Selena?" Kayla asked obviously trynna get J to tell her something.

"Actually I found it quite..... Infuriating." She said looking straight into Kayla's eyes. She knows. Maybe she thinks it was only Kayla. Selena probably didn't say our names. All hell's about to break loose. The tension was building up between us all. "Really.....what did she say?" We all leaned in close as we waited for J's reply.

J pov

I watched their faces turn pale as I revealed to them what Selena had told me. I never once mentioned any names which caused them to squirm in their seats. Each of them had a secret to hide. They each played a part in this. I couldn't believe Jas of all people would attack her while she was already at her worst.

It sickened me to know they were capable of such things. I avoided them for the rest of the day. At basketball practice my mind was only on Selena and I couldn't focus. "J take five and get your head in the game" coach screamed. "Sorry coach" I mumbled as I walked past her. My game was off the entire practice. As I was leaving I heard the coach call me.

"Yes coach?" "Are you feeling alright? You're my top player. Your game is never off like that. What's going on?" I shook my head and put my duffel bag on my shoulder. "Just a lot on my mind. I'm fine" I assured her. "If you ever need anything come to me. I mean anything J." I nodded and made my way to my car to find Jas and T standing there.

"Ain't y'all at the wrong car" "we wanted to ride with you" Jas said. I scoffed and unlocked the doors for them to get in. The car ride was awkwardly silent. "We never meant for it to go that far," T said breaking the silence. "Kayla made us do it." "Don't tell me. Go tell her" I said parking in front of Selena's house.

"She's expecting us." We got out and I knocked on the door. "Hello J, ladies" her mother said with a forced smile. "Selena's in her room" she said as she led us through the living room. "Jennifer be a dear and run up and get her sweetheart" "yes Mrs. Rodriguez." I said as I started for the steps. "And darling, please call me Amber."

I knocked on Selena's door. "Sel it's J" the door immediately swung open and she embraced me in a tight hug. "Hi" she gushed "I missed you." "I have T and Jas downstairs and they wanna talk to you. Don't worry I promised to protect you remember?" She nodded and we headed downstairs.

As we entered the living room T and Jas turned their attention to us. "Mamá puedo tengo un momento por favor" her mother stood and made her way to the kitchen. "J can I tempt you for some Chewy Chip's Ahoy! and milk? It's your favorite. The birthday cake kind." "Yes please" I gave Selena an encouraging look and followed her mother to the kitchen. Hopefully everything goes well.

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