Toga Party and freedom

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Wohoooo it's finally holidays and after the nightmare of a term I've had I was more than ready to finish the last exam last Thursday and then finally have freedom. So what did I  do ? of course I went and saw one of my best friends and caught up with her discussing what was sure to be a good party the next night.   And boy were we right !!  It was one of my friends 18th's and it was toga themed house party. This meant dressing up in sheets and sandels and generally having the best time ever. There was music, friends, boys and of course drinks to make it even more fun... until the morning after that is... hahaha

Getting home the next morning via public transport and surviving the day with an unspecting mother was hard to say the least and that night I was extremely glad to see my bed... needless to say I never wanted to leave it again, well until the next morning at least.

The rest of the week has been a mixture of having to much to do and to little to do, the way I always find it to be in the hols. Most annoying part though was at the party, my phone and some money got stolen along with other people's stuff, so I haven't been able to contact my friends apart from online so its been sooooo annoying trying to make plans. But aside from the diffculty I  have managed to see friends nearly everyday and even quite a few in the same day which has been great.  Today for example I caught up with an outside of school friend which was so nice and we went into the city and went shopping and slightly got lost but all good as i remembered the way in the end and it was simply lovely to be free from the stress of school, HSC,parents and for a few hours free from the eating disorder that now controls most of my life and thoughts. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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