Chapter 4 Draw Me

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A/N two chapters in one day, I'm in the zone!
Dean's POV
After 20 minutes of cooling down in the hall way Metatron walked out of the office carrying his box of things like a small child, he didn't even look twice at Dean.
Dean let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in before heading to the break room where he expected Castiel to be enjoying a cup of tea ,he was no where to be found.
"Dean more coffee seriously this can't be good for you, you had one less than half an hour ago." Ellen mothered him as he searched the room for Castiel.
"No. No. Ellen I'm looking for Cas has he been in here in the last half hour?" His voice was stern but laced with concern.
"No honey why what's happened? Try one of the store cupboards he usually stays in them when things get a bit too much for the poor boy." Dean didn't even thank Ellen before running off in search for Cas.
10 minutes and 3 store cupboards later he found Cas sat on the floor his head leaning against photocopier his face red and wet from tears. He wasn't crying anymore but his breathing was still uneven and harsh.
"Hey Cas buddy it's alright Metatron is gone you don't have to worry about him, you okay? Hey?" Dean couldn't help himself but he found him self bringing his hand towards Castiel's cheek, wiping away his tears. Cas leaned into the touch biting his lip to silence his noisy breathing.
"Shhh it's alright, do you need to take the rest of the day off?" He didn't speak just simply nodded his head and closed his eyes placing a gentle hand over Dean's.
"Do you need me to take you home or are you alright to drive yourself?" Dean rubbed his thumb up and down Cas' cheek.
"It's okay." He spoke in a soft whisper, Dean realised how exhausted he sounded. "I take the bus I don't have a car."

After struggling with Cas, Dean managed to convince Castiel to let him take him home in his beloved Impala. But first Dean had to bring Cas his stuff, Cas saying he was too embarrassed to be seen in the office.
"Dean what happened is Cassie okay we are all worried." Gabriel was serious now and even though Dean had only known Gabriel for just over half a day he thinks this is out of character for the man he seemed like a trickster, convenient his last name is trickster too.
"He's okay I think everything has just overwhelmed him, he's taking the rest of the day off and I've given him the option of having the rest of the week off if he needs it, don't worry I think he's going to be okay, but do you mind finishing the spreadsheet he was working on, what is it for anyway?"
"It's actually Metatron's job to do it, it's a break down of all the hours the team has done, what they should be paid and it takes a long time there was no way in hell Cassie was going to finish it in time for 1:30. But I will do it don't worry." He gave Dean a forced smile and walked back to his desk.

The drive to Castiel's house was almost silent if it wasn't for Cas giving Dean directions.
Dean wanted to ask Cas for his number but didn't think it was an appropriate thing to do giving his emotional state of mind, maybe he could make some sort of excuse, yeah good idea.
"Anywhere on this road is okay thank you." Cas spoke in a small voice. Dean suddenly pulled onto the side of the road, Cas reaching for his arm and squeezing.
"Sorry, you just scared me." Wow Cas had a strong grip.
"So I should probably give you my number so you can let me know if your going to be in tomorrow." Smooth...
Cas nodded and handed over his phone to Dean for him to put his number in his phone, Dean text himself to 'make sure the number was correct' before handing Cas his phone back.
He watched as Cas made his way to a small home, I was only one story like a bungalo but the garden was full of colourful flowers and trees, something Dean would like to sketch.

Castiel's POV
"Honey! Come here baby I'm home early." Cas put his stuff down next to the door and kicked his shoes off flinging them anywhere as Honey came running down the hallway, or should we say waddling.
"Aw Honey your getting bigger I think there's more than one little kitty cookin' in there Aye?" Honey just responded with a short 'meow' before burying her head in the crook of Cas's neck making him feel better.
He took Honey and cuddled up with her thinking about what Dean said earlier. "We should exchange art work sometime."
Cas got to work in the little room he calls his studio.
Dean's POV
Should I text him? I should text him.
He opened his phone and clicked on his messages and opened the one he had already sent to himself
Hey Cas, just checking up on you, you okay Buddy?:-) -Dean
BUDDY? He's going to get the wrong idea, Dean mentally slapped himself just as his phone did its usual electric guitar strum when he got a text.
-Yes thank you, Dean. Decided to do some painting to take my mind off everything. -CN
Painting me?;-) -Dean
-Don't be silly Dean I don't have a reference to paint you:-( -CN
Dean laughed and decided to send Cas a silly picture of himself but he needed someone's help.
"Sammy! C'mere!" He heard his brother huff before running down stairs.
"What Dean I'm busy studying I can't just skip though law school y'know." He gave a typical Sammy bitch face, and if looks could kill...
"Just help me take a picture okay, it's gonna look weird but it's gonna be funny when i send it." He handed Sam his phone and lay back on the couch in an awkward position.

Castiel's POV
Just as Cas finished his Captin America acrylic painting he got another message from Dean and he checked his phone after dipping the paint brush in paint, so he was glad when Dean finally text him back.
Picture message from Dean Winchester
it was a picture of him laying down on a couch doing the pose that Kate Winslet was doing in a scene from titanic with a message under
Draw me like one of your French girls, Cas;)
Cas couldn't do anything for a while due to his uncontrollable laughter, he just had to paint that image.
A few hours later and Cas has finished the painting of Dean, he wanted to show it to Dean but wanted him to see it in person so he could pick up all the detail, phone cameras did his work no justice. He got out his phone and sent him a picture of just the hand he had painted.
Omg you actually did draw it.. Why can't I see it all?-Dean
Because phone camera doesn't pick up detail, want you too see it in person. Shall I bring it to work tomorrow;) -CN

AN sorry if there are two of this chapter, I accidentally published off the Internet and it wouldn't let me unpublish but it says it hasn't published so I'm not sure if it has or hasn't so sorryyy!!!!

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