Chapter 7 Party: Bye Metadick, Hello Delicious-Deano!!!

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A/N: It's been a few weeks since I've updated. Been busy 'revising' for my theory exam, More like crying over Doctor Who- Watch Doctor Who they said, it will be fun they said... I just had my heart ripped out when Ten said 'I don't want to go' asdfghjkl loving Matt Smith tho so that's okay. anyway enjoy the chapter!

Dean drove them both to the party that was being held at Gabriel's place. Gabe's house was a rather large house, and it was over the top just like its owner. He had flowers crowding his drive way, limiting the amount of cars that can be parked there. Cas could already count 3 vehicles on the gravel, Gabe's red mini, Charlie's yellow Beatle and Bennys black pick up truck. Dean parked his Baby next to Charlie's car and they climbed out of the car, they could hear the loud music coming from the house.
"Ugh chart music. Should have known Gabriel would like chart music." Dean huffed before walking up the long pathway and knocking on the door. Nothing.
Dean began to knocking again... More like pounding his fist against the door.
"Hello?" Gabriel's face perked up when he saw the familiar faces and gestured them to come in.
"Jesus Deano, you sounded like a police man with that knock... Great now I have an inappropriate image of you in uniform. And Cassie glad you decided to join."
"Nice to see you to Gabe." That's when Dean saw the party banner. 'Bye Metadick, Hello Delicious-Deano'
"Seriously, that's what you went with?" Dean rolled his eyes and followed his ears until he reached the heart of the party. Most people from the office where there, he didn't recognise a lot of people, so he went to the refreshments table, Cas close behind.
"I can't drink, but you can Angel what do you want?" Dean leaned in close, his hot breath making Castiel's spine tingle. And he was glad the room was dim and no one could see the physical effect Dean had on Castiel.
"Erm, I don't know surprise me I guess?" Cas shouted over the music.

Drinks in hand they stood awkwardly away from each other, but close enough for the fabric of there clothes to touch.
That's when Dean had an idea, he stood a little closer to Castiel and with his free hand, cupped Castiel's fine ass giving him a firm squeeze making Castiel jump slightly spilling some of the contents of his drink onto the floor. He turned his head to Dean with wide eyes.
"Oopsy, don't worry Baby I'll clean it up." Dean gave Cas a cheeky wink and grin before grabbing a napkin from the table and bending down to wipe the drink up, exposing his pink satin panties, just so Castiel could see, he hoped.
That's when Gabriel came behind Castiel.
"Castiel if you don't tap that I will, you have been warned. And don't worry I won't tell anyone he wears pink panties." He patted Castiel on the shoulder. "Although, I think violet or deep purple is more Dean's colour." He stated and turned around to the refreshments table and poured himself a glass of punch. Just in time, Dean got up and gave Castiel a devilish grin and Cas couldn't look Dean in the eyes, he could tell he was a deep red colour, embarrassed was an understatement.

Dean was finding the party pretty average, considering he couldn't drink. Castiel though had a few to many and was dancing against Charlie, if Dean didn't know any better he would be a very jealous man.
"Hey brutha, you don't drink?" Benny seemed to appear from out of nowhere making Dean jump a little.
"I usually do, but I er- promised Cas that I would keep an eye on him and give him a ride home. He was a little nervous about getting home by himself I think." Dean stated taking a swig of his coke.
"Yeah Cassie worries all the time, poor guys been though a lot recently." Benny looked down sadly into his can.
"Yeah, couldn't have been easy with a horrible boss like that."
"I don't mean that Dean, I mean his loss. Hasnt he told you?"
"What loss? No he hasn't told me?" Dean began to get worried. He knew what it felt like to loose someone, after his mom died life was tough, and he was only a kid he couldn't imagine what Cas must have felt.
"He was seeing this guy, it started getting pretty serious this guy kept coming into work giving Castiel ridiculous gifts, from designer sweaters to a pricey car. But you could tell Cas didn't want those he's a genuine guy yano, known him before we worked together. But his guy, Balthazar I think, crashed his car and was sent to hospital. Obviously Cas being Cas stopped off at the florist to pick up some 'get well flowers' and when he got to the hospital he was in a coma with his family around him. And when I say family I mean his wife and their four children. Castiel was devastated I haven't seen him smile since, but you come along and he hasn't stopped, and he's out the house, drinking and having fun."
Dean was just about to say something when Castiel slapped Benny across the face. Hard.
"If you." He poked Bennys chest with his finger and almost fell back, "wonna talk about my private love life, atleast do it where I can't fucking hear you." He has gripped Bennys shirt by this point but it looked like he was doing it to stay himself rather than i threat. benny didn't seem to flinch or get angry how ever. He just wrapped his big arms around Castiel's small frame and embraced him in a warm hug.
"Sorry brutha were just all worried about you maybe Dean should take you home now." He passed a very drunken Cas over to Dean.
"No no no! I'm 'avin funnnnn!" He threw his hands in the air and did a twirl before keeling over and throwing up the contents of his stomach onto Gabriel's kitchen floor.
"Woops" Dean managed to catch Cas before he fell into his own vomit and carry him out the house brial style.

"Don't throw up in baby if you value your life" Dean threatened but the response made his heart sink.
"I don't value my life so it's okaaaaay."

Castiel could feel someone carrying him but who was it?

Castiel Novak is sleeping with his boss.. | Destiel Office AUWhere stories live. Discover now