First Day Of School (chapter1)

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(YN P.O.V)

Somebody said every day, was gon' be sunny skies,

Only Marvin Gaye and lingerie, I guess somebody lied

We started discussin' it to fightin' then "Don't touch me, please."

Then it's "Let's stop the madness, just come lay with me."

And truth be told I'm wavin' my flag before it goes bad yeah yeah

'Cause we made it this far on for better or worse

I wanna feel it even if it hurts

If I gotta cry to get to the other side, let's go 'cause we're gon' survive oh


We stay on the front lines

Yeah but we're still here after the bomb drops

We go so hard we lose control

The fire starts then we explode

When the smoke clears we dry our tears

Only at Love and War

Yn:"Love and War" blasted loud as

hell through my alarm which ment

another day at school without Ray....I

dragged myself outta bed, brushed my

teeth and took a shower wetting my

hair making it super curly.I applied

mascara, eyeliner,and black

lipstick.And got dressed in

a Brown NYC

Belly Shirt, Royal Blue Skinny Jeans,

Diamond Hoop Earings, Black Vans,

Nerd Glasses, and a Mickey Mouse Neclace.

When I Finished Getting Dressed I

Ran Down My Steps Almost

Tripping..."Damn" I Mumble As I

Caught MySelf.I Walked Into The

Kitchen To Find My Older Brother

Issa Eating Cereal.I Decided Not Ti

Cook and Eat Cereal MySelf.As I Go

To Get The Box..The Damn Thing Was

Fucking Empty..."WT Fuckery", I Said As Issa Looked At Me


"What?" He Asked."Nigga You Know

What" I Said As A Started To

Giggle."Nigga You Ass Ate All The

Fruit Loops".He Started Laughing and

Gave Me $20.00 To Get Something

From StarBucks."dhan'yavāda"(Don

yuvaeda) I Said Trying To See If He

Knew What I Said.He Finaly

Understood And Said Yourwelcome In

Indian Which Was "āpakā svāgata"

(Aepakae s aegata)....I Had Been

Teaching Issa or Hindi.

As I Walked To My Car I Saw My

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