The perfect stranger

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             I acted as if no one was behind me, but mentally I was looking for exits and getting ready to pull out my stun gun. I knew I was overreacting but I was still surprised when the shadow sat at the bar stool next to me. 

"I'll have a rum and coke," The shadow said in a pleasantly soft voice. I stared down at my drink contemplating what I should do.

"Did you get ditched to?" He said conversationally. I glanced at him and looked quickly away, like I was caught doing something wrong.

" How'd you guess?" I said jokingly. He laughed and I looked at him again.

       The stranger had short, tussled blonde hair. His greenish blue eyes crinkled at the corners when he laughed and-.... To late I realized he had asked me a question. He smiled again, showing perfect white teeth except for a chip in the front tooth. 

"I said, funny how that always works out," I laughed lightly and he smiled again. I'm not the kind of people to chat up strangers, but maybe it was because I was drunk, or lonely, or another reason that I had forgotten about, but I made a decision too let this cute stranger into my life, at least for tonight.

"I know! My friend ALWAYS drags me to places like this," I gestured around me," and then she ALWAYS ditches me." he laughed and I saw his dimples. 

    After that remark, we fell into a easy pattern. He asked me countless questions about myself, and in return I asked a few about him.

" So Mr. Mysterious," I said jokingly." You know about everything about me. And I really don't know a thing about you. Spill," He held his hands apart.

"There's not much to spill," He said thoughtfully." I'm 25. I ride motorcycles. I work at the shop over off of twentieth. I had a son," at this his voice caught in his throat."He is seven, but he lives in Canada with his mom." I let him have a moment of silence, he was obviously hurting over this kid.

          I looked around and realized how empty the bar was. Nani better not have left without me, I thought worriedly. I looked at the stranger and saw him staring intently at me. I blushed and ducked my head. I sat like that for a while until the bartender pushed my tab towards me. I reaches for it at the same time the stranger did. I looked at him and shook my head.

"I got it," I smiled. He shook his head.

"It's the least I can do, since I spent the night in a beautiful girls company." This time I didn't blush, I just stared at him in wonder. While I was under his spell, he grabbed the tab from me. I finally looked away and muttered a thank you.

     I looked up and saw Nani and her person of interest.

"Hey Nan," I nodded my head slightly.
"Hey Becca," she said with a knowing smile. An awkward moment of silence followed this until my new friend cleared his throat.
"Oh, yea!" I exclaimed. "This is..." What had he said his name was? He gave me a playful smile and I shook my head in embarrassment.
" I think I already forget your name, " I said with whatever pride I could muster.
" Hard to forget something you never knew in the first place, " he said in a know it all tone.
" But I thought you told me! " I said in disbelief.
" You didn't tell me either, " he reminded me.
" Okay, fine, " I said, rolling my eyes. " My names Rebecca... Call me Becca. "
" Okay Rebecca. My name's Jason. Call me Jace ."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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