Chapter 1 "Starting off"

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*Jordan's POV*

"TODAYS THE BIG DAY" I yelled up the stairs.

Today me, Lexie, Nick, and Luke go on our BIG road trip for the Summer!!! We have been planning this trip for so long and it has finally come!!!! Me and Lexie have been so excited!!! We have been packing non stop!!!

"LEXIE GET YOUR BUTT OUTTA BED ITS A BIG DAY" I yell at her from the stairs.

*waits for response*

"UGH, YOUR SUCH A PAIN!!" I say as i walk up the stairs.

I walk into Lexie's room and see she has her stuff ready to go and she is still in bed...UGH!

I jump into Lexie in her bed and bounce up and down.


"UGH GET OFF OF MEEEEE!!" She shouts.

"Finally your awake!!" I say.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!!! Goodnight." She saids and rolls over and covers herself in her blanket!

"Do u even know what day it is today?" I ask.

"No and i don't plan-.." I cut her off.

"ITS ROAD TRIP DAY!!!" I yell on the top of my lungs!

She sits right up.

"WHAT!!!!!" She screams while getting outta bed to get ready.

"Hurry up and get dressed the guys will be here soon and there are pancakes waiting for you downstairs!!" I say.

"Okay thanks" she responds.

"My pleasure!!" I say as i walk out the door and head downstairs.

I sit on the couch and turn on the TV and put it on Netflix!!! I LOVE NETFLIX!!! I put on Dance Moms and wait for Lexie to come down and eat. Oh i think i forgot to mention me and Lexie live in a apartment together!!

"Lexie's POV"

After, Jordan left my room i got ready SUPER fast! After, i got ready i grabbed my luggage and headed downstairs! I put my luggage by the front door by Jordan's and went to the Kitchen to eat.

I ate really fast and saw Jordan watching Dance Moms. Classic Jordan.

"Hey you ready?" She asked.

"Yup when are they coming?" I asked her.

"They should be here any-..." She got cut off.


"They should be here NOW!" She joked.

We both ran to the door. I opened it to find Nick and Luke standing in the doorway!

"Ready?" Nick asked.

"SOOOO ready!" I said.

Nick took my luggage and Luke took Jordan's luggage.

"Thanks guys but we can carry our own stuff!" Jordan said.

"No no no its fine. We got it, right Nick?" Luke said.

"Yea sure... Nick says as he starts breathing hard.

"Oh your such a weakling" Luke joked and took my luggage away from him.

We all walked to the van and got our stuff in and we took our seats!!! We were all so excited to start off this road trip!! Luke drove, Jordan was in the front seat, and me and Nick were in the back.

Luke pulled out of the drive, and headed to the grocery store. We need food on our road trip, don't we?

We didn't get to much food because we knew we were gonna try new restaurants that we find. We payed for all the items we got and left the store.

Once we got towards the highway Luke stopped.

"I forgot my camera guys!!! Sorry" He said.

"UGH!!!" We responded with.

Luke drove us back to there apartment. Luke got his camera and we headed back to the highway.

"So which way should we head first?" Luke asked.

"We should try and drive to New York" Jordan suggested.

"That far? No way!!!" Nick said.

"Aww come on Nick it would be so much fun!!!" I stated.

"Yeah!!" Said Luke and Jordan together!

"Nick's POV"

I really didn't want to go to New York! I just wanted to travel to Texas to see my Mom! Yes, my mom lives in Texas. Me and the bunch, live in California!

"Fine lets travel to New York!! BUT Can we plz travel through Texas i wanna see my Mom?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, of course!!!" Jordan said.

"Thanks, guys!!!" I said.

"Your welcome little dude anything for you" Luke said trying to give me a fist bump while driving.

I smiled. This is going to be the best trip ever!!! My best friends are here!! We are traveling through most of the U.S. Wow.

"Jordan's POV"

I was about to fall sleep when i realized i had no makeup on! I forgot to do it. "STOP THE CAR!!!" I yelled.

Luke stomped on the brakes and pulled over to the side. I woke up Nick and Lexie thats for sure.

"WHAT!!!" Luke yelled.

"I don't have any makeup on! I don't wanna poke my eye out while i put on makeup as we drive!" I informed.

"UGH!!" I heard Lexie groan.

"Babe you look fine!!" Luke tells me.

Oh i forgot to mention, me and Luke are dating and Nick and Lexie are dating! Yeah i think i did forget.

"No i don't i look horrible!!!" I say as i grab my bag.

"Hey look at me" Luke said as he put his index finger under my chin and turned my head to look into his big blue sparkling eyes!

"You look amazing!! With or without your makeup!! Your beautiful just the way you are!" He told me.

He started leaning in, so i started leaning in. We almost kissed until...


"You guys ruined the moment!!!" I said.

"We know!! We meant too!" Nick said.

We all started laughing!! Luke started to drive and we are headed to Texas!! Then, to New York!!!


Hey guys!!! This is my new story!! I hope you like it!!! Ill be updating the next chapter soon!!! Till next time guys!!😜

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