Chapter 3 "Silence"

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"Luke's POV"

Nick hasn't talked to us. Every since we left his Mom's house. We are really worried about him. We literally tried everything to get him to talk, but he wont budge!!! We tried shaking him, texting him, actually talking, etc. Maybe he is just worried we will start talking about his Mom. I don't know.

"Nick's POV"

There is a reason I haven't been talking. Im just to upset to even talk.

I look out the window and see were in the middle of a desert area. So i really have no idea where we are right now. So i decide i should probably ask.

"Hey guys? Where are we?" I ask.

Luke stops the car and they all look at me with wide eyes.

"What? Did i say something wrong?" I question.

"No you didn't, but your finally talking to us" Jordan says.

"Oh, well Hi" I chuckle.

"Hi..." She mumbles.

"Sooooo can u answer my question Luke? Where are we?" I ask again.

Yes Lexie and Luke switched again.

"Ummmm i actually cant..." He tells me.

"Well why not?" I ask.

"Because i have no idea where we are, and if there isn't a gas station soon were doomed" He says.

"How do u not know where we are? Like 15 minutes ago i asked you and you said we will be out of Texas in a half in hour." Lexie states.

"Well...I don't even know if we are in or out of Texas." He says.

"Ask Siri!!!!!" Jordan speaks up.

"My phone is dead" Lexie says.

"Mine too" Luke throws in.

"Ugh! So is mine. How about yours, Nick?" Jordan asks me.

"Ummm its alive but its about to die." I say.

There isn't a charger in this car, because this is Luke's Great Grandpas old van. Its been past down for many years and it still runs, but his Dad let us borrow it because he knew we all wouldn't fit in Luke's Honda.

"Well, ask Siri where we are" Jordan says.


*Holds home button for Siri to come up*

"Siri, where are we?" I speak into the phone.

"You are....." My phone goes black.

It died.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!" Lexie yells. "It has to die now...of course."

"Its okay!! We might find a gas station soon to charge our phones." I state.

"Whatever" Lexie says annoyed.

"Jordan's POV"

I watch Luke drive and i watch the road, the speed limit, and the gas. I watch as the gas gets lower and lower. Im starting to get worried. I look at the road and see the sun starting to set. I hope we find a gas station before the sun goes down. I look and try and see if i can see a gas station.

Nothing. All i see is sand, dirt, and weeds. Its really getting me worried.

Luke looks at me. He can tell i'm worried. He mouths something to me.

Luke mouthing: Don't be worried! Everything will be okay. I promise.

I mouth back: Okay *smile*

I lean my head on the seat and shut my eyes. I soon fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of the car clunking. I look at Luke with worried eyes and he looks at me with worried eyes.

CLIFF HANGER!!! CLIFF HANGER!!! SOOO YA!! Heyyyy everyone!!! I hope you guys like this chapter!! I will start writing the next chapter soon. You will just have to see what happens in the next chapter. Also, sorry this was such a short chapter. Anyways, till next time, guys!!

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