Broken bonds

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Being the strong minded, stubborn Russian man he was his ego dominated all the emotions in him that reminded him of her, that told him that she deserved the chance of an explanation but his anger just pushes those thoughts away.

All his well wishers had tried their level best to knock some sense into him his: parents, brother, friends, colleagues heck even strangers tried to do the same judging by his absolute mess of a state. He was broken from the inside but never once thought of saying his true feelings out loud as he already had everyone around him nagging him by giving their Two cents about the 'incident' that had taken place flipping his entire life around. He was getting more and more agitated whenever anyone criticised him for his actions. 'If only they were in my shoes' was the only thought running in his mind.

He was accused of 'being an idiot' for 'losing the most precious thing in his life' as if it was all his fault and that he was angry over nothing. 'If only they were in my shoes' he thought to himself again.

Vals PoV
How could people possibly think that I would let the only possession I had to loose just walk out of my life for no reason. She was my Zendaya for Gods sake. My Daya!

She had hurt me, lied to me and on top of all that blamed me for being insecure and not trusting her enough. Really Daya really. Why did she have to cheat on me now after we had gone through so much together.

People don't understand what I am going through, they really don't,
all they saw were her tears and assumed I was being an ass but nobody looked at my tears well Zendaya did but it was just too late. She had done the damage.

After some time I was successful at shutting out everybody who was questioning my actions. Honestly it was none of their business but I was still internally battling it out with my emotions that made everything and anything remind me of my unfaithful past, Zendaya.

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