Moving In

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That's what Elena looks like in this chapter just FYI. I hope you like it!

Elena's POV:

I was actually excited to move. I needed to start over. I didn't have any friends anymore. They all decided that I wasn't good enough for them after I broke up with Matt, the most popular boy in school. It would be a nice change. "Are you ready sweetie?" My mom called from downstairs. "Yeah," I answered. It was time to go. Time to leave this town forever. Goodbye Mystic Falls.

Damon's POV:

"I'm going to go for a walk," I told my little brother, "Wanna come?" "No, I'm going to Caroline's in about 10 minutes," he replied. "Okay. Be careful there's supposed to be a really bad storm tonight" I warned him. He nodded and I left.

Once I walked outside I realized it was really dark which was odd considering it was only 1 o'clock. I knew there was supposed to be a bad storm, but I didn't realize it was going to be this bad.

I snapped back to reality and realized I had been walking the whole time I was about to turn back when something caught my eye. It was a car. There's never a car on this road. Yeah, there's some houses but nobody lives in them because they're really expensive and there's newer, cheaper houses closer to town.

I watched the car pull into the driveway right next to mine and saw that the for sale sign said sold. Great, now we have neighbors. I thought.

I looked at my watch and realized I had been standing there for 5 minutes. Stefan should be leaving soon. I decided I would meet them later. Right now, I need to warn my brother to be careful around them.

Elena's POV:

I woke up to my brother shaking my shoulder yelling, "Look, Elena, look!" I looked to where he was pointing and saw the sign that said "Welcome to Monroe, Pennsylvania" I glared at my brother. "Why did you wake me up? I already knew where we were going." I snapped. "I told him to wake you up were almost there," my father said.

It took us 10 minutes to get to our new house. By then I was wide awake. I looked at my new house and gasped. It looked like a mansion! It was huge! And beautiful! "Woah!" Jeremy, my little brother, said. "Glad y'all approve," my father said.

I stepped out of the car and noticed a man staring at us. Holy crap! He's HOT! I thought. I stood there staring at him until my brother ran into me. "Sorry 'Lena" he said.

I snapped back to reality and started getting stuff out of the back and noticed that it was really really dark which was weird since it was only 1 o'clock. As if she read my mind my mom said, "There's a really bad storm coming so we need to hurry and get everything inside. The furniture's already in here."

I grabbed a box and turned around to see the man walking past our driveway to the house next door. I guess he's my new neighbor I thought.

Just then he glanced at me and did a double take. He just stopped and stared at me. Then started walking over.

"Hi, I'm Damon Salvatore. Me and my little brother Stefan live next door." He said. "Nice to meet you Damon. I'm Miranda. This is my husband, Grayson, my daughter, Elena, and my son, Jeremy." My mother replied back politely.

Ever since my mother introduced me, he hasn't taken his eyes off of me. "Um, it's nice to meet you all maybe you should come over for dinner tomorrow. I would invite you tonight but there's a terrible storm coming and my brother is going out. He'd love to meet you. Be safe tonight. I've never seen a storm this bad here before." Damon warned them. "You too, Damon." I said and shook his hand. Earning me a glare from my brother and father. My mother just smiled.

Damon's head snapped up when he heard his front door slam. A boy walked out, no older than me, and looked around. When he spotted us he ran to us. "Damon, I can't find the keys to my car have you seen them?"

He's almost as handsome as Damon I thought. "What do you mean you can't find your keys? Where did you put them?" Damon asked. "I could've sworn I put them on my dresser," the boy, Stefan I believe his name was, told him. "Did you check on the floor or under all of the freaking clothes that cover your floor?!" Damon snapped.

Stefan's phone beeped, interrupting his thoughts. "Never mind, Care said she'll come over instead." Stefan told him.

"Great. Now I have to listen to you and Barbie all night. I suggest you find your keys because I don't feel like going through all that I had to go through last time you lost your car keys and if you don't find them by school tomorrow your walking there because I'm not driving you." Damon said while walking to his house.

"Bye," he told us but only looking at me.

"Fine. Caroline will drive me." Stefan said. Damon stopped walking and glared at his brother, "Find your keys, Stefan!"

We were all just awkwardly standing there until Stefan said, "Sorry about that. Do you need any help?"

We stood there for a while until my brother manned up and said, "No, thank you. We're fine." Stefan walked away as we started to get the rest of the boxes. We sure have some interesting neighbors I thought and closed the back hatch of the car.

~3 hours later~

Dear diary,

After we got everything where we wanted it, we decided that we'd get the paint tomorrow because of the storm. This was supposed to be a really bad storm. I hope it's not always like this.

I really liked our neighbors. Oh my God Damon is the most perfect being on this earth. I wonder how old he is. We never got around to stuff like that but we're going over tomorrow for dinner. Hopefully I'll find out more about him.

Ok so I hope yall liked it and I'd love to hear what you thought about it. I was kinda rushing to write this so sorry it sucks. I know it's boring and there's not much Delena but I tried it's my first time and it sucks I hope u keep reading and I hope it gets better. If you want good chapters you're going to have to give me time to come up with what I'm going to write then write it. Thank you for reading😘

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