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*Rebecca's flashback*

"I will love you forever" stated Jay

"I will love you forever.. and then some" I laughed.

He smiled at me and leaned in, and his lips met mine. The moment I had been waiting forever for with the guy that was absolutely perfect. We giggled as he pulled away and our foreheads leaned against each other. His hand brushed mine and I blushed. We walked down the secret pathway we discovered when we were seven.

He suddenly stopped.

I turned back to look at him. He just smiled and moved a strand of long brown hair behind my ear. I looked at him realizing how much I was blushing.

He laughed at my blush and stared at me a few more seconds before saying in his cute deep voice "Becca?"

I loved when he said that. I don't care if I was 14 years old I loved him. He was perfect. He had always been there for me when I needed him and even though he was one of my only friends, he was more. He was mine and I loved him for everything he had done for me.

I realized these emotions were to much... Maybe I was in too deep. Crap I had got lost in thought again oops I didn't mean to okay focus Rebecca focus.

"Yes?" I replied as innocently as possible. I didn't know if it was possible to blush any deeper.

He looked at me as if he was debating on saying something. I wanted to ask but I knew better than to question him. He stood there waiting for something to happen but eventually his lips parted as he was about to say something. He looked a nervous wreck which was unlike him.

I slowly inched my hand towards his. His soft hand held mine as a securing feeling. He had me wrapped around his pinkie. And I loved every second of it.

He eventually started with clearing his throat... Oh god was he breaking up with me what would I do I would freak out he was my only friend my best friend and I couldn't live without him he was perfect in every way.

Jay chose his words wisely "Becca, you are perfect. I have so many things I want to tell you but we have to get back to my mums for dinner soon so I want you to know that I wouldn't let you go for anything".

I looked at him about to say something as a response but I guess he wanted to continue.

"You are mine". He whispered. I smiled. And kissed him. We finished are walk in the pathway as we neared the pond. He looked at me and just smiled. That smile always melted my heart.

The next part that happened not only the was the worst thing that could've ever happened to anyone it ruined my life. His shoe got caught on a rock and I tried to catch him but it was all so fast. Jay hit head on the rock and there was blood everywhere! I quickly took my phone out and called 911. And it was all a blur after that with all the flashIng lights and people. There were people trying to ask me what happened but I couldn't even talk I was crying so hard. Eventually even though I was a crying mess by the time my parents got me they took me to the hospital to see him. But that only made it worse. I had no words when I saw his brown sway like hair being shaved of so they could stitch his head i was a mess. People were saying he could've died and i was really lucky that they got there in time. But the words kept echoing in my head "He could've died" it was my fault. He was mine he told me he loved me and I let him fall. Why couldn't I catch him? This is all my fault I was the one who wanted to go down that path. I can't believe I did that. I'm so selfish! Especially since he lost his father in a car crash already when he was four.... What was I doing to his mother?! She must be a wreck too! Oh my god. This is all my fault. I realized I was still in the hospital and I sunk to the floor. I quickly asked the doctor "Will Jay be okay"? I waited for a response an the doctor smiled the biggest smile I had a little hope " Yes honey, he will be just fine". But the doctor lied to me. When he woke up he didn't remember anything. Not his mother or me. Nothing except how to talk an write and do math problems. He was a empty shell of a human being.


Authors Note.

Hey I'm Baili this is my first story. Idk I might delete it cause it sounds bad. Well whatever I tried but have fun reading. Follow/vote/comment if you liked it.


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