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So today's topic is lockers... dun dun dun. Every kids' dream right? Well until they realize you don't just hang out at your locker all day long... If only that was the truth!

First off all, lets get one thing straight, that picture of a locker on the front cover is not mine... and I wish it was cause its cute but I still have plenty of ways to make a locker fantastic and functional without spending to much...

Now for me, my locker is my one place at school that feels like my own... sorta... so I like it neat and organized as said in the chapter before. I am obsessed with this hanging locker shelf (in pict above) because of
The storage it offers, giving a locker lots of stacking shelf space... At the same time, it takes up a lot of space for other stuff such as my workout bag or coat but I still dig it...

One of my fav locker items I have is my combination lock b/c I bought a set of two that contains two locks with the same combo so I use one on my locker and one on my gym locker... now at certain schools the locks are built in to the locker but at my school, you bring your own. A great tip is to write your combination down or put it somewhere like in a phone or a random page in a note book just in case you may forget it, cause trust me, when I am really tired or sick I always forget mine...

Also, it's important to remember to never share a locker unless assigned by the school cause that's just a bad idea. For instance, two of my closest friends decided to share but then they got into a fight and damaged each others stuff... it was NOT a pretty sight
So just keep your locker to yourself as you would with let's say a diary, where only your stuff. Is allowed in and no one knows your combo cause you never know who info could spread to or the people who may become frienimies will be in the future...

Also, when going back to purchasing a rule I always have to remember is just because they make it does not mean you need it. For example, I love those little locker chandeliers, the rugs, and the magnetic curtain piece but I always think: do I really need that? and answer "no" because they are cute and chic but for me they take up Unneeded space and space is something I need! So in my locker I have the shelf because it does help By lifting books off the floor so you don't have to bend down. Also, I did buy a locker set at office max (I go here a lot) for only $8.00 which included a shelf, a mirror, magnets, containers and a few other little things... when you total up these costs, $11.00+$8.00=$20 with tax that seems like a lot of money but if you think about the average high school is 4 years so divide 20/4=$5 a year... and for me I have had my locker stuff for 6 years so I'm only paying about $3.33 a year which isn't so bad if you are using what you buy.

To add to this, I do feel something's can be a waist such as paper locker wallpaper because it can be expensive and it's hard to reuse so if you are interested in wallpaper for a locker I have a few options, some being DIY...

-first off (if you want) buy magnetic strips... The other day I was shopping at Target and I saw A pack of three big magnetic strips for wallpaper which were not very expensive and still looked cute... The nice thing about these is that they can be reused and would be a nice investment of style. (plus you can hang them on a magnetic fridge! Lol!)

-you can also wait until September when supplies go on clearance to try and buy items for a cheaper cost if you are willing to wait to save money but sometimes they don't go on sale or are gone ... so it's a risk...

-also you can make your own wallpaper! The first includes using gift wrap then just cutting and taping up pieces to fit (this can rip easy though)
•you can also make your own by going to a craft store and getting scrap book paper in a fun color or print and taping it to your walls which can cost as little as .10cents a sheet!

•finally my fav way is to get a bunch of friends together and make personalized wallpapers...

First, we get a mix of colored paper (it can be any kind of paper, computer Paper, construction, poster board... anything!)
Then we gather old magazines and google favorite images, finally cutting them out and making a collage...
What I like to do is use computer paper and make alot of different ones...
For instance I made one of all foods, one of all inspirational words and another of just my favorite randon things so when I look at it I can get happy

-also it can be cool to hang post it notes all over your locker door and of your friends stop by your locker, offer them a note... an tell them to keep it... I like doing this with quotes.... both funny ones and inspirational

-another idea if you don't want wallpaper is to hang a few photos of you and friends or find a chalk/dry erase board you can leave on the door so friends can write messages...
*these are a few ideas*

Next, what I keep in my Locker is minimal...
I keep:
-extra pair of sneakers ( for science class in case I'm wearing sandals)
-a sealed plastic water bottle (incase I forget my water and have a sport event/game)
-and a few extra pens/pencils

But that's basically the locker tips

Comment: what would your dream locker look like?

Mine: of course it would be pink and turquoise/ light blue cause I love those colors!!! Also my dream locker would be basically a walk-in closet at school, with a mini fridge and lounge chairs so I could hide in there with my friends all the time!

Please remember to comment any questions!!! I'm always here and will Always reply!! :)

Also if you enjoy these tips feel free to vote away! :D


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