A Very Weasley Christmas

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Hey hey hey, so this is the fourteenth chapter of Secret Malfoy and I just wanted to say that there will be a total of 28 chapters as well as two more stories coming after this :)

Reading back through this I've just realised how much this title reminds me of 'A Very Potter Musical' aha :)

Enjoy please!


25th DECEMBER 2017

Lily crossed her arms over her chest grumpily and stuck out her bottom lip as she sat on the living room sofa of the Burrow. So far she'd had the worst Christmas ever and wished that she was already at the Malfoy's, unfortunately they weren't heading there until the 28th of December so she had to stick it out here for a while.

She watched with a bored expression as her cousins rushed around, choosing beds to sleep in and squealing at the top of their voices by how excited they were, especially her younger cousin CeCe how had been thrown in their room at the last minute when Molly Weasley had reluctantly agreed for Ron to bring his family over for Christmas. However, they were only staying for the night as they were going over to visit Astoria's family tomorrow.

"Do you want the bunk beneath me Lily?" her younger sister Dora asked as she came down and sat next to her sister. Lily smiled at her before nodding

"I would love the bed beneath yours Dora, and then we can have secret conversations in the night"

"Yeah, because that will really help when people are trying to revise for NEWTS" Lily's cousin Molly said and Lily rolled her eyes, as did the remaining population of the room. Roxanne was the first to speak. 

"Molly, you can't honestly be thinking of doing revision during the Christmas holidays?"

"Yes I can, I am Head Girl and have to set an example"

"On what? How to be a nerd?" Dom chuckled and Molly threw her a glare before rolling her eyes again and storming out of the room.

"How she got Head Girl, I'll never know" Roxy mumbled, making the girls laugh.

"She keeps going on about it" Lucy grumbled

"How keeps going on about what?" a voice sounded from the doorway and the girls all turned to see Ginny Potter walk into the room, her eyebrow raised in question. 

"Molly, she keeps getting all worked up about her NEWTS and it's driving me up the wall"

"She sounds like her father when he was doing his NEWTS"

"Does it pass?" Lucy asked, sounding hopeful. Ginny snorted

"You know your father, do you think it'll pass?"

Lucy made a face which made Ginny laugh again; she continued "Then again, you might get lucky"

"I doubt it; both she and dad want me to start revising for my OWLS now. I only survive because mum tells them it's insane"

Lily snickered at her annoyed sister, Lucy wasn't that into her OWLS and stuff, in fact, her dream was to go to the muggle world and make a difference. She wore all those 'save the whales' and 'you have a voice' t-shirts everywhere. Her father was constantly displeased with her choice of clothing.

Lily was quite certain that she had never seen her friend dressed up, ever. Even today, Christmas day, she was wearing a 'vegetarians are cool' t-shirt along with a multicoloured knitted cardigan and a pair of white-washed ripped jeans. On her feet were some ankle wellingtons with tiny ducks carrying umbrellas on them. Her hair was tied back into a messy bun on the top of her head with a floral headband resting around it. Her delicate features made you forget about her weirdness and drew you towards her natural beauty instead.

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