The Apology

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So I only updated the last chapter like a day ago but I thought that I would be nice and give you another one :)

Here is the sixteenth chapter of Secret Malfoy :D


15th JANUARY 2018

Harry Potter sat in his office going over previous Auror missions. It had been exactly three weeks since Christmas day and he hadn't spoken to any of the Weasley's since. Partly because he didn't want to encounter Ron again, but mostly because of the shame he felt for reacting like that in front of his friends and family, especially the children.

The door of his office opened and his head shot up from the case he was looking at that dated back a few years. He smiled when he saw that it was his Deputy Head, Zacharias Smith.

"Good morning Zacharias," he said as the blonde took his seat behind his own desk, directly opposite Harry's. It was identical in shape but the work upon it was not, for example; Zacharias didn't have random post-it notes scattered all over his desk.

"Morning Harry, did you have a good weekend?"

Harry smiled as he remembered his weekend, he, Draco, and Blaise had stayed at Malfoy Manor whilst their spouses had been to every shop that sold baby clothing, trying to find Pansy the perfect clothes, booties, and other random baby things the guys didn't care about. Draco was the most shocked when Hermione returned with a bag just for herself.

"Hermione, we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet?"

"I know honey, that's why I bought something that could suit both genders," she fished a red baby grow from her bag and held it in front of Draco, waving it in his face "Isn't it great."

Draco's eyes widened at the colour "Red? What about green?"

"Green! Green is for boys," Hermione chastised, knowing full well that Draco didn't like the colour because it was the main colour for Gryffindor.

"No it's not, Quinn wore green!"

"Because we thought she was a boy," Hermione looked at her husband's sulking face "Don't get pissy Draco, I already bought them so there is nothing you can do about it." Hermione said, smirking slightly as she knew that her husband would let her keep the bright red baby grows.

"Yes I did, you?"

Zacharias' eyes glazed over slightly and Harry raised an eyebrow. His tiny smile made them rise higher.

"You didn't?"

The blonde nodded and a grin stretched onto his face "Uh huh, and she said yes!"

Harry's beamed at his deputy's happiness, for the past two weeks the former Hufflepuff had been plucking up the courage to ask his girlfriend of three years, Mandy Brocklehurst, to marry him. It would be his second marriage after his first, to Tracey Davis of Slytherin, failed due to the fact that she had been seeing Zacharias' ex-best friend, Anthony Goldstein, behind his back. They had separated five years ago, leaving Zacharias to care for their oldest daughter, Tamara, and Tracey with their younger one, Kaitlyn. Tamara was a Hufflepuff the same age as Albus and Kaitlyn was one year younger than Lily, she would be starting school this September.

"Good for you mate, Mandy's great."

"That she is Harry," Zacharias replied before looking down to evaluate the missions he had been assigned to assess.

Harry was just packing up for lunch when a short knock at his door distracted him. Zacharias had left the office just minutes before, taking Mandy out for lunch as she worked in the Office of Magical Law Enforcement, which meant that it wasn't him. Besides, it was his office too, he wouldn't knock.

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