Chapter 9

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That evening, after the last nail had been pounded and the food cleared away, Mary found herself practically kidnapped. Miriam had arrived at the farm driving the Yoder buggy, and nothing would do but for Mary to accompany her to the young people's get-together.

Singings were an important place for unmarried men and women to meet, make friends and seek out prospective husbands and wives. Although well-chaperoned by young married couples, rules were relaxed at frolics; these events often led to dates where the boy would drive the girl home and spend a few hours on her front porch visiting.

Seeing Caleb today had brought back so many memories, so many emotions, that Mary wasn't certain she wanted to see him again ever, much less tonight. But Miriam wouldn't take no for an answer, and Mary soon found herself seated between her and Dorcas on one side of a long table in the front room of the King farmhouse. Charley Byler, Rudolf King and Elmer Beachy sat directly across from them. Elmer was only sixteen, young to attend a frolic, and Rudolf, Mary's partner for the singing, seemed too shy to say a word.

Why did I ever let them talk me into this? Mary wondered. There was no sign of Caleb and she wasn't sure whether she was glad or disappointed that he hadn't come. She loved the hymns, fast tunes and clapping games, but she was really too old for this kind of get-together.

Miriam's friend Charley was leading the group in a lively rendition of "The Farmer Takes a Wife" when Miriam kicked Mary's ankle under the table. Mary looked up to see Caleb standing directly across from her. She was so surprised that she lost the beat and stopped clapping. Menno appeared on the other side of Elmer and whispered in his ear. Elmer blushed and scrambled up, pulling Rudolf with him. Menno and Caleb slid into the boys' seats and picked up the refrain in rich, clear voices. Dorcas giggled.

Mary averted her eyes, but sneaked a peek at Caleb through her lashes and felt a thrill of excitement. How handsome he looked in his crisp blue shirt, black coat and wide-brimmed black wool hat. She glanced at Miriam, but her friend had eyes only for Charley.

This is what I've always wanted, Mary thought, to have a boy smiling at me the way Caleb is tonight.

If only they could go back in time and change what had happened. Or if she could simply forgive and forget...

She bit down on her lower lip, giving up trying to sing.

But how can I forgive a cheat? Someone who betrayed my trust?

Tears welled in the corners of her eyes. Her mother always said one rotten ingredient could ruin a good stew. Maybe what Caleb had done had ruined their chances of ever getting past it, no matter how much they cared for each other.

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