Erin's POV
It was the same old, ordinary school day. By 8th period, it got even more boring. Harry quickly came in and sat by me. "Babe." He began. "Dang Harry don't you ever shut up?" I whispered. "Just let me talk! Please don't go to that party. Something bad will happen! Believe me!" "If I don't , will you stop talking to me?" I asked. He nodded. I could tell he was lying, but I was lying also. Im still going to go. It was basically silent the whole class period. The bell finally rang and I got outta my seat. "Hey Erin." Conner said walking up beside me. "Hello." I smiled tiredly. He walked me out to his car. Opened the door for me and then he got into the car. Conner started up the engine. "Do you mind if I fall asleep? I'm kinda tired." He looked at me, like he was confused. "Yeah, sure!" He smiled slightly. I then dozed off to sleep.Conner's POV
This was my time to make a move on her. To touch her. I grinned and started driving. I moved my hand closer to her every second. Trying to touch her breast. I didn't actually like Erin, I was just trying to get into her pants. I took my eyes off the road and just as I was about to touch her, a semi was honking. Almost running into us, I took a sharp turn. Waking Erin up. "Dammit!" "What's wrong?" She asked yawning. "Um, nothing!" She looked confused. But as she almost fell back to sleep again, We pulled into her drive way. "Thanks Conner!" She smiled and got out. "So close, I will just get her at my party." I grinned and pulled out of the driveway.Erin's POV
I walked into my house and hit the kitchen. "Ahh." I said pulling out grapes from the fridge. My mom walked in. "Hello Erin." She said holding the bump on her belly. "Hi mom. There is something I gotta ask." My mom looked up. "What is it?" She asked going to sit down. "Well I've been invited to a party, and I -" "who's ?" She said cutting me off. "His name is Conner." "Sounds like a name I wouldn't want you to mention in this house again." "But mom!" "Erin, honey , there might be drugs or alcohol there and I don't want you to get caught up in those things." "Mom!" I shouted. She looked concerned at this point. I sighed. "I won't go then." I said walking upstairs. "Just looking out for you, and you know your father wouldn't approve!" she shouted. "He isn't here!" I yelled back down. I heard a loud sigh, and that was the end of that.
Later that night. I got dressed in my pjs again and got my homework done. I heard a knock at my window, which frighten me. Conner's face appeared through the window. "Oh my gosh Conner!" I whispered. "Come here Erin." He smiled and guided me out the window onto the roof. "I'm gonna get in so much trouble." "Don't worry, I will be here for only a minute." He showed me a pack of cigarettes and some unfamiliar grass looking stuff in a bag. "Con-" I began. "Erin, just try it." He smirked. "It will take you to the moon Erin, the moon." "Okay." I said sitting down. He stared rolling stuff up and before I knew it. He had it ready for me. "I will try it first." He took a big breath and smoked it. "Your turn." I looked down at it. "I've never smoked before." "You'll love it." "Eh, I will wait a couple of minutes . Anyway, my mom said I couldn't go to your party." Conner laughed. "Just sneak out." "I don't know if I should." I said hesitating. "Is Erin a pussy?" "No! I can do bad stuff !" "Show me, smoke this blunt." "Not that kinda bad stuff." "If you can't do this, you can at least try coming to my party." "Fine, I will sneak out." "Thatta Girl. Come by at like 10." He smiled. "Guess you don't wanna ride to the moon then?" "Maybe later." I winked. I walked inside my window and climbed into bed. Conner jumped off the roof and went back to his house. I was getting feelings for Conner. But he was trying to get me to smoke weird stuff. What should I do?

Good Turns Bad
Romance16 year old Erin Lancer was a goodie 2 shoes in high school. Until that was when she met the big and bad Harry Styles. Who made the inner part of her turn into the real bad girl she should have been before. After awhile of dating, Harry suddenly sli...