Orientation Day

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    Next week is the Orientation for Maple Heights High School. To be honest, I'm so excited for orientation because I get to meet all of the people that Harper told me about. I got ready, and put on one of my favorite outfits. It consisted of a gray cardigan over a black crop top. I picked out a pair of jeans and boots to wear too.

Ew. I thought to myself. I look awful.

  I put on makeup to make myself look less tired. My makeup consisted of eyeliner, mascara, some eyeshadow, and foundation.

  "Felicia! Come downstairs! We're going to the school now!" Said Liana. Liana was lucky. She already made two friends, and their names were Velma Bannister and Eva Grant. They were both seniors in the school. "I'm coming!" I said as I walked down the stairs.
    The school was very big for a high school. Immediately, as soon as I walked in to the building, I felt as if everyone was staring at me. I felt like a bug under a microscope; like a small fish in a big pond. I saw Harper talking to Jennifer and Rose.

Oh crap. What if they notice me? I thought to myself. I hid behind the crowd of people. Too late. They were walking towards me.

"Hey Felicia! I want you to meet Jennifer" Said Harper.

"Hi Felicia! I'm Jennifer, it's very nice to meet you!" Said Jennifer, with a smile.

"Hello, nice to meet you too!" I responded. Wow I thought. This is not the best first impression.

"Do you want to look around the school?@ asked Jennifer. "Maybe we can find other people for you to meet."

"Sure, that seems like a good idea!" I responded.

  Harper and Jennifer showed me around the first floor of the school. It looked amazing. Then someone caught my eye. It was him. The guy I accidentally ran into yesterday, the one I embarrassed myself around. He was talking to Jack Ryan and Tyler, Harper's brother. I walked past him as fast as I could, trying not to draw attention to myself.

  "Hey Felicia!" Said Harper. "Where are you going?"

Crap! She saw me! I thought. Now I needed to go to Harper, who was talking to her brother and his friends. I felt like I was going to humiliate myself again. I walked towards her. My face flushed red. I was so embarrassed that I felt like disappearing.

  "Oh...sorry I just didn't know where you went." I replied.
   "It's ok, but just stick with me and Jennifer so you don't get lost" she responded, smiling.

    "After orientation today, do you want to hang out at Jennifer's house with Tyler, Jack, Adam, and I? It will be fun!" Said Harper.

   I honestly wasn't so sure, especially since I didn't want to humiliate myself. But to be nice I said yes.

  When we got to Jennifer's house, I finally realized that I forgot to bring a bathing suit to swim in.

   "Felicia, do you want to borrow one of mine? I have small ones for you to use." Said Jennifer.

    "Um...sure I'll borrow one." I responded. I wasn't sure if the swimsuit would fit me, being that I'm shorter than Jennifer.

   When I finally got changed, I went outside to join everyone. I felt odd, being that Harper's brother and his friends were there. I grabbed some chips from the table to eat, so I didn't look like I was doing nothing. I wrapped myself in a towel to keep warm.

   "Felicia, when the guys are done swimming, do you want to come in the pool?" Said Harper.

    "Sure!" I said "I'm sure it's warmer in there than out here."

   I thought that it was funny how Tyler kept looking at Jennifer. Harper was right about him. Harper was right, he really does like her. I wish someone felt that way about me.

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