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Ask Casey:

-y r u still with Emmett even when u know hes in a gang and could put u, ur family, friends, and KID in danger?

Good question. I've asked myself that but my answers always the same because I love him. I don't think he'll let anything happen to us. He's dedicated. He's not the type of person to let anything happen to his family and if anything will happen I know he'll be there to save us.

-when the baby comes r u still going to go to school or will u be homeschooling?

I am definitely going to be going to school. I'm not gonna let the fact that I have a baby stop me from getting an education. That's not happening.

-if the baby turns out to be his would u still be with him?


-r u really in love with Emmett?

Yes! With everything that I have! He has his flaws but that still what makes me love him even more.

-y did u decide to keep the baby?

Baby girl, I don't do adoption or abortion.

I support abortions for those who do have them but I just can't have one myself. Adoption isn't my thing either. I'd adopt if I couldn't have any children because there are kids who's parents don't want them or feel like they won't be able to support the child, so they give he/she to someone who can. I don't want my child growing up thinking his/her parents didn't want them.

Ask Emmett:

-do u sometimes wish u wouldn't have the responsibility of being a father??


-do u sometimes regret ever being with Casey be honest i wont judge??

No I will never regret being with her. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me beside Jelly Bean :)

-When are you going to ask Casey out or better yet marry her?

I kinda thought we were already dating. I guess I forgot. Marrying her? Soon.

-do u really love Casey or do u just love her for carrying ur baby?

I am completely and utterly in love with her. Her having my child is just an amazing bonus!

Ask Savannah:

-r u really preggers with Emmett's baby?

Tf would I tell you.

-are you really pregnant with Emmett's child or are you making it up so you can have him all to yourself?

I'm not telling you anything. But having Emmett to myself does sound kinda nice.

-Do you often forget to tie your shoe laces? because baby girl, you need a stop tripping on Emmett's dick?

Excuse Me! I tie my shoes a lot, Baby Doll. I don't know who you think you are but Emmett liked it when tripped on his dick.

Ask Nathan:

-Are u ok with ur grand child being the future leader in a gang?

Yes. Why wouldn't I be when I'm in a gang myself. But don't tell anybody I told you that.

-y r u letting Casey be with Emmett when he got her preggers?

I don' want my baby girl having to raise a child by herself. Plus Emmett seems to make her happy.

Ask Carson:

-do u think Casey is making a mistake of being with Emmett even if hes in a gang?

Casey can take care of herself. I'm not gonna tell her what she can and can't do. I'm not her mother, i'm her sister. If she wants to be in danger then that's her choice, she'll have to learn from what choice she chose to make.

Ask Cameron:

-What did u first think of when ur sister told u she was pregnant with Emmett's Baby?

I wanted to kill him. Hearing that your boss got your sister pregnant isn't something you hear everyday.

Ask Kendra:

-r u fond of Casey be honest??

Yes. Why wouldn't I be? She's perfect. She gets along with the family. She makes my son happy and most importantly she's giving me a grandchild.

Ask Jason:

-Are u hoping the baby is a boy or girl? If it's a girl can she be future leader of the gang? : 0

I'd be fine with whatever. If it's a girl, yes, she'll lead the gang. It wouldn't be the first time a girl would have led the gang. My mother was a gangleader herself but that's a story for another time.

Ask The Author:

-in your opinion do u think Casey and Emmett r in love or there just like in the moment??


- will Casey and Emmett be together in the future or separate like most young parents??

Your just gonna have to read to find out. :)

-will this story be cliche cuzz im not fond of them??

Nah. There may be some cliche moments but nothing over the top. My story will be one you won't forget!


Well here are your y'alls answers. I will have another ask the characters later on in the book or maybe the next one idk. But hope y'all like the answers y'all got. There will be an update tomorrow night! So be looking out, Babes...

ashes XOXO

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