Chapter 5:

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It's been a week. I'm being forced to got to school today, since I haven't gone all week. I've been stuck in my room every single day. My step-mom brings me food. I throw up every morning and she seems to be getting more and more suspicious everyday.

I looked at my clock. 7:30. 30 minutes before school starts.

I walked into my closet and picked my clothes out (Pic on the side) and walked into the bathroom. I took my shower, got dressed, did my hair and makeup, and brushed my teeth.

I'm pretty sure Tyler and Briana are downstairs waiting for me.

I didn't throw up today, which is great. I walked downstairs and grabbed my bag.

"TYLER, BRIANA, LET'S GO!"I yelled. They walked out of the kitchen. We walked out of the front door and towards Tyler's car.


We arrived at school. I got out of the car and made my way inside.

"Hey Casey," I suddenly heard beside me. I turned my head to see Teegan.

"Hey Teegan," I replied back.

I got my stuff out of my locker and walked to first period. History.


Right now me, Tyler, and Briana are walking around Giant. Melissa sent me a text with the list of stuff she needs. I looked at the text again.


Macaroni and Cheese


Cream Cheese




I got everything except for tampons.

"Hey Tyler," I called out to him.


"Can you go get the tampons, please?" I asked.


"Please?" I begged, using puppy dog eyes. He sighed nodding his head.

"Thank you. I'll be at one of the registers."

I walked up front and looked for a short line to go through. I spotted a short line all the way at the number 12. I walked all the way to the line and waiting with Briana.

"Casey," I heard from behind me. I turned my head, revealing the last person I wanted to see. Emmett.

"What do you want, Emmett?"I snapped with as much attitude as possible.

"Look Casey-" He started but was cut off by Tyler.

"Here are you damn tampons, you wanted."

Emmett looked at Tyler and then at me.

"Tampons?" he asked confused,

"I thought you were pregnant."

"There for her step-mom," Tyler answered.

"Who are you?" I heard Briana asked from beside me.

"Emmett Andrews. The father of her child. Who are you?" He replied icily. Tyler looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I nodded, signaling he was right.

"Briana Smith. Her best friend."

"Okay. Well it looks like its our turn. Emmett, I don't know why your here but I really don't want to see you."

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