chapter 1

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Andy Six had just gotten out of the shower when he heard his Droid start ringing. He walked over to the kitchen table and looked at the Caller ID. It was an unknown number, but Andy decided to answer thinking it was probably Jake, one of his band members and closest friend, who tended to lose his cell phone quite often. "Hello?"

A woman spoke. "Is this Andy Six also known as Andrew Biersack?"

"Um, yes. Who am I speaking to?" Andy asked a bit surprised. He didn't recognize the voice.

"My name is Dina and I'm calling from Social Services."

Now he was confused and a bit freaked out. Andy didn't know why someone from Social Services would call him. He didn't even know how they managed to get his number. "How did you get my number? Why are you calling me?"

"Your number was in Susie's contact information. We have Ava in custody and you were also in her incase of emergency information."

"Who's Susie? Who's Ava? Why are you calling me?"

Dina laughed harshly. "You're kidding right? You need to come pick Ava up."

Andy protested. "No...I'm not kidding. Why would I pick up Ava, I don't even know who she is!"

Her voice got sterner and Andy could hear the anger in each of the words she spoke. "Just because you don't want to be responsible doesn't mean you can pretend like you don't know who your own daughter is."

Utterly confused, Andy tried to get some answers. "Daughter? What are you talking about!"

"Quit playing around, kid. You need to come pick Ava up."

Andy got really frustrated and mad that Dina wouldn't give him any answers. He started pacing. "I'm not playing around. I don't know what you're talking about and I'm not about to pick up whoever this Ava kid is without getting some answers first."

Dina sighed. "You really don't know who Ava is, do you? You don't even know who Susie is, do you?"

"NO! That's what I've been trying to tell you!"

Slowly and cautiously, Dina started to explain. "Ava is your daughter. Susie is Ava's mother. I don't know what Susie is to you. All I know is that you're Ava's father and that means you have or had a past relationship with Susie."

Andy denied what Dina had just said. "I don't have a daughter. I don't have a relationship with a Susie."

"You do to have a daughter. Her name is Ava. Of course you don't have a relationship with least not anymore. Susie is dead."

Andy was shocked at what he was hearing and couldn't believe a single word. "What?"

"Are you an idiot or something? Why do I have to keep repeating myself?"

"No...but I swear I don't know a Susie."

"Apparently you did, considering that you have a child."

Andy stopped pacing and started drumming his fingers on the kitchen counter. "How do I know that Ava's kid?"

"Well, your name's on the birth certificate." Dina answered.

"So? This Susie person could've just stuck my name on it." Andy countered.

"How would she have gotten all your personal information?"

"You know I'm famous, right? Maybe she was a super stalker or something."

"Yes, I know you're famous, because only a famous person would have a name like 'Andy Six.' I don't think Susie was a stalker."

"Why do you think that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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