The girls

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It was a early spring morning as a young girl who had brown hair that was up in a braided bun as she was dressed in a business suit. Her reddish brown eyes looked down in the water of a fountain that's in the park with sadness, yet you  could tell something was wrong. "Soon. I'll see you soon." She said in a soft voice and walked off as she looked over to a seven story tall apartment complex.

But somewhere else there was another girl, a girl that looked just like her. She had long brown hair that was pulled back into a bread that would lay on her back if She wasn't running as fast as she could. She was in a white tank top shirt that had light pink flowers all over it with a matching light pink skirt that went to her knees. Who is this girl you ask? Well this girl's name is Mai Taniyama. As for her job, she works for a paranormal research institute that is known as SPR for short. But who's that strange lady in the park you ask? Well no one con be quite sure on that, she could be a stalker or a fan, only time will tell.

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