The job

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As the young girl, Mai Taniyama, was walking into work her boss, Kazuya Shibuya also know as Naru, called for tea. Mai put her jacket away and went to do her job, getting tea, she had a feeling something bad might happen but she tried to push it aside. After the tea was done she took the tea to her coworkers, first went to Lin Koujo. He was a silent guy. When Mai first meet Lin she accidentally knock a book shift down on herself but before it had fell on her he had pushed Mai out of the way but in the process of doing so it broke his leg. Therefor Mai had got her job because of that. They had made up over time and became friends since then. After she delivered him his tea she made her way to her Boss, Naru, with his tea. Naru is well a Narcissist and Confident but without his tea he can get moody. She had been waiting for a thank you from her boss even though she knew it wouldn't happen. After a second Naru looked up and told her "You can go now Mai." With that she walked out and slammed the door. "Narcissistic jerk!" She said under her breath as she sat down. Then the bell rang and she get up to welcome them but instead she got a bone crushing hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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