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May 16th, 1870

Third Person POV

It was a very dreary morning, with the sun hidden behind dark clouds and the slightest sprinkle of rain falling ever so slightly onto the stone pavement. The streets of Paris had begun to awaken, preparing for the beginning of a new day.

Doors to stores and cafes being unlocked, carts of food, flowers and many other things setting up in the squares. Carriages would pass by the magnificent high buildings, which surround the grandest attraction of the entire city: The 'Palais Garnier.' With its grand sculptures, particularly the one of Apollo's lyre, magnificence in detail and the wonders that happen right inside the magnificent architecture.

People would come from miles all over the world to see its beauty, see the most grand opera's and listen to the most beautiful music ever to be heard by human ear. Yes, even on the darkest of days, the Palais Garnier stood firm as if it was smiling through it all.

A simple stagecoach had stopped right in front of the magnificent place. Representing a sudden aura of importance in the air. With its simple design and two horses attached to it. The coachman had dismounted his seat and made sure the carriage would stay in place. Then opening the carriage door he smiled at the passenger's inside. "We have arrived Monsieur. Welcome to the Palais Garnier."

One horse bore a white, snowy colour and the other a nice shade of brown. The other, more peculiar horse was white had a black mark around the eyes making it more unique.

A man well into his age stepped out with his Swedish boots and formal attire. His small top hat hid the greying brunette hair quite well. Wrinkles appeared around his cheeks and under his hazel eyes. But that didn't stop the smile appearing on his face. Looking at the grand building did make him twitch a bit with nerves. But after a deep breathe he just smiled and looked at the fellow coachman.

"I must thank you for bringing us here. It has been quite a strenuous travel to be here." The gentle kindness in his tone and his smile could be contagious by anyone who met him. The coachman just looked at him with a smile of his own at his kind words.

"It was no trouble at all, just doing my work."

"Ah speaking of which" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few coins. "How much do I owe you for this journey?"

"Fifty francs" The coachman said as the gentleman before him started paying for his troubles.

"Papa?" A small voice was heard inside the carriage. Both men turned to the soft toned voice that spoke before them. A young girl of seven years came out slowly. Her brunette curls falling below her shoulders with a small bonnet on top. Her white lace dress reached just below her knees. She looked upon her father with her brunette, doe-like eyes. Smiling slightly while looking upon the grand building. Nerves took over her again as she blink and slightly back up into the carriage. The slightly drizzled rain had begun to fall a bit more slightly. The young girl began to shake from the cold winds, so her father slowly took her coat from the seat and placed it well around her shoulders, keeping her warm, smiling as he did so.

"Everything will be alright my Little Lotte." He whispered to her diminishing some of her nerves. The young girl just nodded her head smiling. For her papa she would always try to be happy. Around him she was very much so. Taking her hand, which was wrapped around a white glove against his deep black one, he helped her to step down the stagecoach steps.

Once again, the building caught sight of her eyes and she hid behind her father slightly, wrapping her arms around his legs. The coachman saw all of this and smiled more in kindness.

"Monsieur how much do I owe you?" The young girl's father asked once more, forgetting about the previous price.

"Oh, er, twenty francs." The coachman smiled and glanced at the young girl who was looking right at him. Kneeling down he took out a couple of fully-grown carrots.

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