Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

"But-" my boyfriend, no, scratch that. My now EX-boyfriend yells at me from behind. 

"No buts!" I cut him off. 

"Please! Cassie, let me explain." He yells. My anger boils up inside of me. I turn around and start to yell. 

"EXPLAIN? I gave you a second chance, Josh, after you screwed up the first one, thinking that you were honest that you had changed and hade made a mistake, but no. You had screwed it up AGAIN when I found you with another girl! But not just any idiot, the SAME idiot as last time. There are no more chances left ok! I can't believe-" Josh cut me off by kissing me. Can you believe that?! He kissed me after I found him cheating on me! 

"Josh! Get off of me!" I yelled after he released the kiss. "Why don't you go kiss that idiot inst-" He cut me off again. 

"She has a name, you know. The name is Bethany." Josh tells me. The NERVE of this guy.  

Alright! I've had enough of this! I slapped him in the face, and HARD. He clasped his now red cheek with both hands and mouth agape. I just huff and walk up my driveway to my front door and walk inside.  

My eyes start to water, but I stop the tears from coming. You see, I don't cry over boys, or anything else that isn't worth crying over. I just walked up to my room, hoping to unnoticed by Andrea, my adoptive mother. Now, I know what you're thinking, that Andrea beats me and that’s why I'm trying to be unseen. Right? Well, you are wrong. Andrea is the best thing that ever happened to me. I was living in an orphanage 'till I was 15, and then Andrea adopted me. You see, I, well, none of us, including the orphanage knows who my real parents are. My real mother left me on the door-step of the orphanage when I was a baby. Pretty cliché, huh? Well, it happened. Anyways... The reason I was trying not to let Andrea see me was because she would tell Derek, her boyfriend, and then Derek would go talk to Josh, and then we would have this whole talk about boyfriends. He acts like he is my real father. Not that I'm complaining, I always wanted that father figure in my life. 

I made it up the stairs without being noticed, whew. I ran in to my room and pulled out my phone. I opened up the texting app and sent a text to Maria, my best friend. 

'hey, Josh and I broke up." I sent. 

'omg! why? who broke up with who?' She sent back almost immediately. 

'I broke up with him, he was with that girl AGAIN' I texted back to her. She didn't respond back quickly, so I figured it was going to be a long one. While I was waiting, I decided to get something to eat. I walked down the stairs, and then walked to the pantry.  

Hmmmm, what to eat, what to eat. I thought to myself. I chose pita chips and walked over to the couch. Here's the thing, I am really skinny, I'm not going to deny it, and I can still eat anything that I'd like. I guess that I should take the time to introduce myself. My name is Cassady Greene. I didn't take in Andrea's last name, Jefferson, but the orphanage let me pick it myself. Cool, right? The name just clicked. I thought it rolled right off the tongue too. I am 5'7" pretty tall, and am skinny. I play soccer, volleyball, and am the captain of both. I am popular, but not mean. I consider everyone in my grade to be my friend. I am a straight A student. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one thing, I have fiery red hair 

I sat down on the couch and turned on the television. Yes! NCIS was on! My favorite. I started thinking about who the murderer was when my thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing beside me. I picked it up and l;ooked at it.  


@joshtheboss tweeted: Just broke up with my gf! single again!  

WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL? That was so not true! I totally broke up with him! I told you, he has such a big ego! I swear to god. He probably didn't want anyone to know that I broke up with him. I looked at the number of replies and what would you know- 57 instant replies and do you know who the first one was from? You guessed it! Maria. 

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