The Whisper Fic

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My boyfriend Dan and I giggled and messed around. We were about to film a video together, but of course we couldn't be serious. He started tickling me and I spoke, laughter in between my words.

  "Dan-haha-babe come on we have-haha we have to get serious, STOP!" I said to him. He stopped and then sighed.

  "But we can't do this on camera..." he said. He was right. We weren't open about our relationship, even though it was quite obvious. But little did he know I had a surprise planned for him.

  "I know but let's get the video over with so after we can do whatever we want, okay?" I said. Dan immediately smirked. I knew what he was always thinking of.

  "Okay babe," he replied. Then he stared into my eyes. I smiled and leaned in kissing him gently. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Our lips drifted apart and I smiled at him. Our faces were both flustered from the tickling and the fact that we just kissed. We've done it many times before but everytime it's just as amazing.

We then positioned ourselves and I set up the camera properly. I looked over at Dan to make sure he was ready and he gave me the signal. I turned the camera on and the light turned red signaling that it was recording. I smiled brightly and waved.

  "Helloo there Dan and Phil...headphones!.." I said, my voice trailing off. Dan looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I always come up with names for the viewers on our gaming channel for every new video. Let's just say they're not always very good.

  "Headphones? Really Phil?" he questioned me, laughing. He always liked to tease me. I smiled slightly.

  "What? It makes sense for what we're doing today," I said to him then turned back towards the camera. "Today me and Dan will be doing the whisper challenge!" I added. Dan picked up, explaining what the challenge was.

  "So basically one of us has to wear noise cancelling headphones while the other person whispers something. The one wearing the headphones has to guess what the other said. Whoever guesses the most sentences or whatever wins," he said and looked over at me. As he talked, I admired him. When he finished, we made eye contact and I smiled, looking back at the screen.

  "Now this isn't really an actual like video game that we usually play on here, but it's still a game and we thought we'd try something different." I said then looked back at Dan. He nodded.

  "Let's get started," he said. "I'll go first?"

  "What like you whisper first or you guess first?" I asked slightly nervous. For my plan to work I wanted Dan to be the last one to guess in the end. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

  "Does it really matter?" he asked.

  "Yes it does. I want to guess first," I stated and he laughed yet again.

  "You're such a child," he said, but I could hear the admiration in his voice. I smiled and put on my headphones. Dan spoke but I couldn't understand him. He signaled with his hand to his ears and pointed to me. He was checking to see that I couldn't hear.

"I can't hear you," I said and put my hands out questioningly. He said something else and gave me a thumbs up.

  Then he whispered the first sentence. What I read from his lips was, 'I love you.' My mouth dropped open. Maybe I was wrong but maybe not, knowing him. He never knew how to keep things secret on camera. I usually edited alot out. Then I changed my expression when I realized what he had done.

  "Oh come on this is one of the oldest ones, you said olive juice," I said with a smirk. He smiled and nodded his head. I took off the headphones, handing them to Dan for his turn.

  "I'm starting off easy," he said.

"Sure, you just can't accept defeat," I teased him.

  "That was not defeat Philly," He said and I laughed.

  "Whatever," I said as he put on the headphones. I also checked to see that he couldn't hear like he had done. He gave me the same confused look as I had before and I said, "Okay good." I decided not to be too easy on him.

  "I like spiky plants" I said.

"I like my kness Dan?" he guessed in an unsure voice. I immediately started laughing and shook my head. He smirked and then removed the headphones.

  "Well what was it?" he asked.

  "I like spiky plants!" I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

  "Oh my god wow okay," he said as I put on the headphones again.

  We continued going, our sentences getting more difficult. It was quite hilarious actually. We each took about ten turns, and finally after Dan's last turn it was my surprise.

  "Okay my turn, this is the last one," I said to him. My heart was racing fast from the thought of what I was about to do. But I had to do it.

  "Dan Howell, will you marry me?" I whispered. I loved finally being able to say those words. He looked confused but took a guess anyway.

  "Tan owl carry me?" he said confusingly. I smiled and shook my head. He removed the headphones and said, "What was it then?"

  "I said..." I began and then quickly pulled an engagement ring out of my pocket. I got down on one knee and held the ring up. "Dan Howell, will you marry me?" I said, finishing my sentence. His mouth immediately fell open and he dropped the headphones in shock. He put his hand over his mouth and nodded his head quickly. Then he moved his hand.

  "Yes! Oh my god yes!" he said. I smiled brightly as my heart raced. I got up and slipped the ring onto Dan's finger. I felt so happy and complete. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me tightly as he hugged me. We drifted apart and stared into each others eyes. Mine were watery and I could see his were as well. I cupped his face in my hands and leaned up, kissing him passionately. He kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist. We slowly pulled apart and just stared into each others eyes once again.

  "I love you," he whispered, but this time I could hear it clearly.

  "And I love you," I replied.

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