It's Never Easy...

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Violet's P.O.V.

'GET UP YOU LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING,' i heard my mother shout up the stairs waking me up from my blissful sleep.

'VIOLET DEMETRIA COLLINS GET YOU LAZY ARSE DOWN HERE NOW!!!!' yep, that's my mother alright...


'ALRIGHT, I'M JUST COMING, CALM DOWN!!!!' i shouted back flexing my muscles before finally walking towards the stairs. i rubbed my eyes and made my way down as normal and grabbed an apple from the side buro. Something felt different today, but i couldnt quite figure out what it was. Maybe i was just being an idiot and there was nothing at all dfferent. i the looked at the time, 8:05, shit, i was going to be late if i didnt hurry up. Luckily, my school is within walking distance but even knowing that, i ran around frantickly collecting the essentialls i needed before quickly shooting upstairs past my mum and into my room to get changed. i got changed at lightning speed, grabbed my bag and sprinted out the door shouting my good byes before slamming the door shut behind me.

At School.

I was late. Again... 15 minutes to be precise. I tried to saunter in un-noticed, but, being the bad day it was, I was caught by one of my teachers, Miss Western. Great. She shouted my name from across the playground and made everything go awkwardly quiet as i felt at least 20 pairs of eyes bore into the back of my head when people realised whose name was being called. yes, i've made a name for myself at the school, and no, it's not a very good one. I ran away from where my name was called and ran to the one place i knew no one would find me, they probably wouldnt even try to look for me, they just assume that i've gone to lessons... wonderful. i ran behind the dance stusio which was meant to be blocked off by now, but they never got round to doing it. I thoguht i was safe and hidden until i realized a dark shadow loomed over me. Damn.

'VIOLET COLLINS!! WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?!' Miss Western shouted. i knew it was meant to be rhetorical but i couldn't resist arguing back,

'WHAT AM I DOING?! I'M HIDING FROM ALL OF YOU LOT WHO THINK THEY KNOW ME AND CAN BOSS ME ABOUT! WHY DO YOY THINK I'M ALWAYS 'ACTING UP' AND BUNKIN' ALL MY LESSONS? 'COZ I CAN'T STAND PEOPLE ALWAYS ASSUME I'M THE BAD GUY WHO ALWAYS MESSES UP! IT'S OBVIOUS YOU ALL HATE ME SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!' That was a lie. it wasnt obvious that evryone hated me, and i didnt want to be left alone, i wanted her to say something reassuring that i wouldnt have to argue back to.

her face softened as i finished my sentence. she looked almost saddened by what i had said and sighed, before sitting down next to me silently thinking of what to say next, without aggitating me any thurther...

'look, Violet, i know you don't want to be here, and i know you don't really want to be left alone so just listen. If there is something or someone bothering you, you can talk to me, okay. Or even your form teacher... i'm sure they'd listen and understand. Who is your form teacher?' she looked at me quizically as i hesitated to answer,

'M-m-mr Taylor, miss,' my mouth had gone dry as i felt myself start to shake from the cold. It was the middle of winter after all. The fire alarm suddenly went of, piercing through the awkward silence that lingered between us. after a few seconds, many loud footsteps could be heard and people were shouting at one another, confused at why it had gone off so early in the morning. Miss Western hurried over to find her class and i was left alone re thinking probably one of the smallest conversations known to man. i decided i could probably make my way over to my form without being oddly looked at and as i did so many people glared at me. i tried smiling to make myself feel better but it didnt work, something was wrong. really wrong. i got to the line and we had to stan in alphabetical order to make it easier for the teacher, but for us, it's easier said than done. everyone just stood anywhere after finally giving up and with the alarm still ringing through everyones minds, the registers were called,


'yes sir'


'yeah sir'



and so on and so forth. it eventually came to my name quite quickly as i was one of the first in the register, but as Mr Taylor called my name i froze. i don't remember exactly why, i just remember seeing something i knew i didnt wan to. the last thing i remember was Mr Taylor giving me a confused and slightly worried glance before everything went black.

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