Steven Grant Rogers

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Steve woke Abeline, like he would on any other morning. She groaned and refused to move as he dressed, so he poked at her, laid on her, and talked to her.

"Come on, Abie, time to get up. We're wasting daylight." He got a low, breathy woof in reply. "Is that so? What if we get some breakfast while we are out? I'll get you some," Steve paused for effect, knowing she was listening to him, "bacon?"

She wriggled out from under him and ran to the elevator door. Steve pushed the necessary buttons, laughing at the now energetic canine. Once out of the tower, they walked to Central Park, where they normally took their run. Shortly after they started, Abeline started walking, and Steve lapped her.

Several times.

After his fourth lap, Abeline caught up to him and ran in circles around him, growling and barking in a very agitated manner.

"What, what is it? You know it's not time to eat yet. What's the matter?" She nipped at the edge of his shirt and pulled, trying to drag him. He pushed her off. "Alright, I get it, I'll follow. Go."

They reached the sidewalk on the edge of the park, next to the street. Steve sat on a park bench, while Abie paced in front of him, growling, looking around, and sniffing. After several minutes, Steve decided it would be acceptable to go to breakfast early. He got the unsettled canine to follow him.

Suddenly, his canine Companion started to get antsy once again. He looked up to where she was indicating, and saw a woman, nose in a book, standing in front of the crosswalk near him. In the moment he looked at her, she took two steps into the street.

Into the path of an oncoming garbage truck.

Time seemed to slow down.

The driver honked and Steve shouted, "Hey!" causing her to look up and freeze.

Steve stepped forward, grabbing onto her shirt collar and yanked her back. There was an avian screech somewhere in the background.

He lost his footing on the curb, falling hard, a pain shooting through his tailbone and spine. He cradled her as he fell, so she wouldn't get hurt, and scraped his elbow as it hit the ground. The garbage truck passed and time resumed at a normal pace. People surrounding them either ignored the happening completely or asked them if they were okay, upon realizing they were fine, they quickly left.

"Holy shit. Thanks dude. That was...that was unreal."

"It's quite alright, ma'am. Are you hurt? Can you stand?"

"Nah, I'm fine. Though, I'm going to just sit here for a moment - I'm not sure I can move after that; scared the fuck out of me and now I feel like jelly. You can either keep holding me, or stand up. At this point, I don't care." Steve blushed at a mixture of her language, what she had said to him, and realizing that he was, in fact, still sitting with his arms wrapped around the brunette. He also noticed that her hands - now bookless - were gripping the sleeves that covered his arms. "On second thought, no, you can sit here with me, Hero. I'm not ready to release my savior, yet."

The blushing increased, so he just cleared his throat and nodded. "Alright, then."

Suddenly, she exclaimed "Oh, fuck!" The mystery woman shot up and whirled around. "Grant! Where are you, buddy? This isn't a time to play. Grant!" There was a high pitched chirp-like sound, as well as a familiar barking.

Abeline. How could he forget his friend?

He stood and turned, looking for brown fur. When he found her, he regretted standing. There, perched on the back of the wolf, was a very familiar golden eagle.

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