Scars Hidden Beneath Our Ties - Battle

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We fought the war to get to the desk
We fought the war, now we are the best
We fought different battles for the same thing
Here's what the ones we fought were saying
I fought the ones who said it would never be true
You fought the ones who wanted to be you
We fought apart
Yet we both knew in our hearts
That we belonged in Sixbey.
We were both right
Now together we host Tonight
But, the war for the Iron Desk is real
Glory, is what others would try and steal
But we simply knew where to hide it
So others would not find it
They bombed us, stole from us, tried to make us loose,
But we managed to refuse
So we are victorious, winners maybe
We have been rewarded with Studio Sixbey.
Others fought us with knowledge and facts
But we had our own tactics.
As the ones who doubted you poured pennies under your collar
For the bet of Tonight with the price of a dollar
I kept it a secret, something unknown
Until it took over and my colors had shown
From that moment I knew where I was supposed to be.
That place? Studio Sixbey.
Now we sit proudly behind the Iron Desk.
We all know the best revenge: success.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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