His secret worker

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Image of how I envision Shawn to look. Rose Rollins :)

Growing impatient with my worker, I shove him to the side deciding to do the work myself. It cannot be that hard to locate someone. I have some of my best men out there; I mean it is not as if she can just drop off the face of the planet. Even if she was dead, I would be able to find out where. Apparently sending your best tracker will not help you at all either. She is probably out fucking off instead of doing what it is that I need her to do, her damn job. The disloyalty never seems to amaze me. I treat my workers like family and yet they still betray me. To say I am pissed is an understatement; I will find her and when I do, she will regret running away from me, especially for taking my unborn child with her.

Meanwhile in another state

"Are you following me or something?" I pout annoyed with this woman for following me. I mean I know I am gorgeous and all, but damn can a girl find her destination in peace. I groan turning around to face her. "Well?" I state putting my hands on my hips, "What is it?" I question rolling my eyes heavenward. She begins to chuckle making me frown at her instantly. "We have the same baggage claim," she states in a duh tone making me want to slap the smirk right off her face. Deciding that it is best I ignore her, I decide that I am in the mood for ice cream and that Cold Stone sounds beyond amazing right now. Moaning I immediately go in search for a map because I know they have to have one located somewhere around this airport, I mean it is an airport after all. Startled by a sudden touch on my arm, I am pulled from my thoughts when I notice it is the woman again. "Look lady I am sorry for mistaking you for a man; but I am not gay and I do not even know your name so can you just back off for a second." She begins laughing at me again and I just begin to lose it. "Is there something funny here or am I just a laughing joke to you" I glare at her and begin to walk away. Trying to put as much distance between us as possible I begin walking wherever my feet will take me; looking up I notice that after making a right I somehow end up outside where the cabs are located. After what seems like forever I am able to hail a cab down; I decide my destination is not even located in this state and direct the driver to the next state over; and that is where I will begin to start my life. Let us just hope I do not run into any more weirdos.

Shawn P.O.V

Maybe it is the fact that she thought she lost me is what makes me want to laugh on the inside. One thing I can already tell about this chick is she does not know when someone is following her; or maybe I am simply just that good. I mean it is my job after all. I can also tell that she is smart. She left her luggage in one state, while taking a cab to another. If she is as smart as I think, she will end up paying for everything with cash as well. It is so unfortunate that you honestly cannot trust anyone. The people you trust the most are the first ones to stab you in the back. Some even take it as far as sleeping with your husband. After directing the cab to follow the cab in front of us no matter what; I decide to take a nap, who knows how long it will be before I can have another.

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