Without You; Phan Part 2

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*Dan's POV*

I feel like I've been waiting in this lobby forever.

The nurses told me to go out into the main lobby while the doctor talked to Phil. It seemed to be forever, even though it was just a few hours. After watching the hands on the clock spin an endless amount of times, Phil finally came out into the main lobby, fully clothed. I got up and ran to him.

'Phil, I'm so sorry.' I said, quietly, as my head was resting on his shoulder.

'Why?' He pulled away from our hug.

'I could've helped you.'

'No, Dan, no. You didn't know. You couldn't have.'

'Why did you do it Phil?' I asked, tears welling up.

'I felt numb, and I felt trapped. No one would've cared if you hadn't found me.'

'Phil, don't say that. Your family would care, I sure as hell would care, and your viewers? Imagine how upset your viewers would be?'

'Still, despite that. It's like a constant war with myself.'

I hated hearing him talk like this. I couldn't stand it.

'Let's talk more over lunch, okay?' I said, staring into his ocean blue eyes. He nodded, and I pulled him back into a hug. We had never let go of each other that entire talk. We held onto each other. And I knew Phil needed something to hold onto right now.

*Phil's POV*

'What are you in the mood for?' Dan asked, regaining himself after our conversatiom.

'How about chinese?' I replied, thinking of how chicken fried rice seemed like heaven.

'Chinese it is.' Dan said, a soft smile creeping across his face. We approached Panda Express, which was the closest asian resturant to us, and Dan turned to me.

'Phil. I need you to promise me that you'll never cut yourself again.' He said, his brown eyes staring into mine with care. I took a minute before I responded.

'Okay. I promise.'

I promise. Promise is such a strong word.

Dan gave me a short hug, but a meaningful hug, and we walked in.

'What are you going to get?' Dan asked, looking at the multitudes of food to choose from.

'Chicken fried rice. I've been in the mood for it for the longest time.' Sometimes I hated the way my voice sounded. Or how I would phrase sentences. I guess I'll just have to add that onto the list.

We sat down and opened our boxes of food. Dan was about to eat a piece of teriyaki chicken when he remembered something. The thing we had to talk about.

'Phil.' I looked up at him.

'Phil. If you were gone,' his eyes started to tear, 'if you were gone I would have no place in this world.'

I didn't like it when Dan talked this way.

'Dan don't say that. Please.' I reached out and took hold of his hand.

'But it's true, Phil. You're my world, my space and my stars.'

'Dan..' I paused, now on the verge of sobbing.

'Phil I love you more than anything. I just want to hold you. And when I.. found you.. I thought that was the only time I would ever get to.' He put his head in his hands and inhaled sharply periodically, symbolizing that he was trying to cover up crying.

'Dan..' That was all that I could manage to say. I got up and crossed the table. He got up, eyes red from crying so much, and we had a long, tender embrace.

'C'mon Dan, I think its time we go home and relax, okay?' He nodded and we started to the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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