Unforgettable, or is it really?

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As I wake up to the screaming of what sounds like two adults, at first I'm very annoyed, God I just want to sleep, my head hurts so bad. It takes me about another 10 minutes to figure out that I don't know who the people screaming are. So, I roll over and my arm hits a shoulder, and that's when I realize I'm naked. Holy shit, what?!

I look over at this mysterious shoulder and see that it is very muscular and very male. WHAT?! I start to get out of the bed as quietly as possible, when the person that this shoulder belongs to rolls over and grabs my waist. In one swift movement, he pulls my right up against him.

"Leaving so soon, babe?" He murmurs (in a very sexy voice, I might add)
"Umm I was just going to shower" I say, trying to stay as calm as possible. He lets me go and I get up, pull on what I'm guessing is his shirt, and begin my hunt for the bathroom.

When I finally find the bathroom, my reflection shocks me. I look nothing like my pale, slightly out of shape, innocent self. I look hot. Like, really hot. My whole body is toned in a way I've never seen, my hair is now dark brown with some highlights and I'm TAN. My skin is an actual golden-brown, and I don't look sickly pale anymore. It's a freakin miracle.

I had momentarily forgotten about the fact that I have no clue where I am, so I look out the window. The view I'm greeted with is amazing. There's a lake, surrounded by huge fir trees, and it looks like I'm on the 2nd floor of a very nice lake house. In the driveway, there's a 1962 Thunderbird, a 1956 Chevy pickup, and a 1976 Ford Bronco, all very nicely restored, I might add.

I exit the bathroom and find my way back to the room I woke up in, to find that the guy is gone. I search around and find what looks to be like my clothes, and a phone. The lockscreen is a picture of me and a girl I don't recognize, so I assume this is my phone.

Wait a second...... I never had an iPhone 6.

The date on the phone says October 8th and that's when it finally hits.

The last day I remember fully is June 12th.

So this is kinda an intro to an idea I just came up with, that's why it's so short. I deleted my story Blackout because I honestly just didn't like where it was going. So, I kinda did the same concept, but a bit different. I hope you enjoy! Next chapter will probably be up tomorrow!

Unforgettable SummerWhere stories live. Discover now