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"Oh, my God" I say as I start entering what I guess qualifies as a panic attack. How the hell do you just forget three months of your life?
The screaming downstairs has stopped some time ago, so after calming myself down, I found the stairs and tried my best to quietly descend them.
When I reached the bottom, the house was empty and I heard one of the cars outside start and begin moving, crunching the gravel as it goes. As I enter the kitchen I notice it's packed with the latest appliances, marble counter tops, and all organic food. Dang, whoever I'm here with takes their food seriously, I thought as I tried to get a little more info on where I am.
I suddenly remembered "my" phone and pulled it out, going to the maps app and hitting the location button. It shows that I'm in the SE corner of California, in the Sierra National Forest. I start to freak out a little more, that's a hell of a long way from my family in Pendleton, Oregon. How did I even get down here?
The last thing I remembered was heading to my best friend Maeve's house to get ready for the party we were going to. What happened at that party? It was a college party, so it was basically a miracle that Maeve and I got invited, considering we were just getting done with out junior year in high school.
I continue looking around and find one familiar thing, my purse. I open it to find my wallet, but it's filled with different things now. It has multiple fake ID's, all with my face, just with different names and various different ages. I also find a few fake badges for the FBI, CIA, and the health department. Holy shit, what happened this summer?

"I'm glad to see that you're up, Rome, we have a very busy day today" I hear a male voice say as I slowly turn around from where I'm digging through my purse. When I finally face him, I see a man, no older than 30, with a very serious face and a cup of coffee

"You okay?" He asks. He looks genuinely concerned
"Yeah, umm, where can I get one of those?" I ask, pointing to his cup of coffee.
He chuckles. "You always do crack me up, kid. You know where it is."
I let out a nervous laugh. "Um yeah of course. Just messing with you!"
Where is the flipping coffee? I'm really gonna need some.
After I find the coffee, I make my way to the table where Serious-Faced man is sitting and looking over some papers. I figured my best bet of figuring out what happened without getting killed was to act natural. So I tried to do exactly that. 
"So," I say as I plop down in the chair next to him "what's on the agenda for today?"
"That huge case you and Nick have been working on. We really need to finalize it and wrap it up within the next week. This is crucial so we stay hidden. "
" Oh!  Yeah! Nick..... And I." Who the hell is Nick and what the hell is this case?
"You sound pretty tired. " the man says "Why don't you go rest up for today, especially after last night, you need it"
"Okay, I'll see you later then" I say as I begin to climb the stairs. I see another guy coming down the stairs and he gives me a quick good morning
"Good morning....... You!" He gives me a weird look as he continues down the stairs
While up in my room, I begin formulating my escape plan. I start with all the things I know for sure right now.
1. I'm Rome Brady, a 17 year old.
2. I'm in a lake house, in the Sierra National Forest in California
3. I have lots of fake ID's and badges
4. I'm working on a case with Nick, whoever that is.
5. Whatever this case is, it requires undercover stuff.

When I finish my list, it seems seriously pathetic, but it's helping me think rationally. I decide I really need to figure out what my supposed line of work is now, so I start to snoop around the house. I enter a room that looks a lot like an office, with desks and papers strewn everywhere. I walk to the nearest desk and pick up a paper and start reading

"... Target: Steven James. Last known location: Vienna, Austria. Always has a team of bodyguards. Do not engage the guards. Get in, Get James, get out...." And at the bottom of the page, in a nice big red stamp, it said TARGET ELIMINATED. I decide to stop reading there, because it's kind of starting to make sense, horrible, horrible sense.

I'm a fucking assassin

I run back to the room I woke up in a panic. Wow, what the hell?! How did this even happen?!
As I'm silently flipping shit, "my" phone buzzes and I see a text from Nick

Hey, you about ready to go?

To which I started to reply, but then another one came in.

Never mind. Lucas just told me you're off for the day. Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?

So Lucas must be Serious-Faced man, that makes sense. I quickly reply to Nick's text

Yeah I'm fine. Just tired. I don't need anything right now

After a few minutes I get a reply

Okay. I'm still coming up to check on you though.

And right after that I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!" I yelled and in walked a very familiar looking face.


Yay! The real first chapter is doooonnneeee! I'll get a cast list up soon too. I just need to decide on that.........

Unforgettable SummerWhere stories live. Discover now