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Location: In The Auditorium

We were in the auditorium in no time. It was looking soo enlightened and energectic just as I was today. Lot of positive energy was hanging around here.
Rao and Shasha were on their way now, looking for their parents.
There was a huge crowd gathered, really difficult to find mine even.

A ray of hope passes through when I see on to the Stage where Big Big letters in Golden touch, read ;


The letters shined as that light rays fell on them.

Wandering over and enjoying the Pre-Ceremony moments I was also searching for my god

("God" this is much familiar to us. One to whom we pray for our well-being or for someone other. Someone to whom we beg for. One whom we think is the giver. Out in this great world there are millions praying/requesting/begging for one or the other things, but the one they forget is their "First God". Yess their first god. Their Parents. One who give, where you don't even need to pray/request/beg.)

All over the hall, a search was going on. My eyes pondered over everyone who seemed suspicious to me i.e. Looked similar to my parents. Fun isn't it ,'Suspicious'.

I started to supervise from the left towards the right. My eyes were searching for the two great faces of my life. I saw people wandering, talking in groups, few of them waving their hands, the organizers struggling over their last minute touch-in's, the cleaners moving round the stage with their mops, and the lightman checking the light workings and the mics. Soo much crowd out there.

Wait !!!

Did I miss something. Let me take a replay. Hmm...yeah they are wandering, ok they are talking, but wait who was that waving his hand at me ??
I looked further out in that direction.
A little zoom-in and the view gets clear.

Seriously ! Did I miss them ??
What I find is my mom and dad waving their hands at me signaling me to come there.
Before I find them I see that they're already looking at me.
Isn't it great. This is what parents are. They can find you i.e. The right grain even in that sand.

Mom and Dad you are really great.

I roll and put on my skates. I can't wait any more. I'm having a glimpse of my parents about an year after.
The first thing I always do is obviously, hug my mom. Same was what I'm doing today. But today it was a much tighter one. She was all full of tears as I hugged her. Her eyes always get watered seeing me (after a long time). Even my eyes do but that water don't become tears. They remain saved inside. May be I was strong enough from inside as my dad.

And then I move on to hug my dad. The only reason that I'm a doctor today or yeah I'm gonna be today. " MY GREAT DAD ". He loves me so much, the only proof is his eyes. The watered eyes. He is proud of me. The greatest thing a child should achieve. His achievement is no worth unless his parents are proud of his current gettings.
But my mom and dad are, its worth much more for me after all, great twists and turns have enrosed in this journey till today.

Yes its the Convocation's.

As we finished hugging each other I seated my parents in the middle seats which had great view of the whole stage area and I could even see them easiely. So that whenever its my turn I can see them smiling with pride....

May be this chapter was very much Not about the convocation ceremony but the pre-ceremony time. Next part is a complete Miracle.
Plz read. Wait & Watch.
Next Chapter is. " The Convocation Ceremony- Part II "

Thank you for reading

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