Chapter 2

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Seth's POV

Tuesday morning brought another same old routine for everyone headed to school. Kyle arrived to see once again that most of the kids were there already for about the 200th time it felt this year. The boys did have quite a good school year this year. They had a very serious music teacher who didn't like the kids in JH very much because they were too immature. He was good teacher as far as Seth could tell. All the other guys hated him and made fun of him because of snide remarks or something he said during class. He was just teaching the wrong grade level, these kids weren't serious about music unlike the teacher. This teacher seemed to have a lot of time invested in the music career and it seemed he really liked teaching it but he was ready for college level students. Not students who don't care and joke around during class. I guess that pretty much raps up what I had to say about this morning. 

During Science class David and Jacoby had a joke around accident but made the situation serious. There was some experiment they were doing for the science class today and it involved thermometers. Now to note, these thermometers are not actually mercury but do contain harmful chemicals. These were made after the point when it was figured out mercury was dangerous. Now anyways, one of the thermometers was sitting on a counter table in the back of the room. A unique design for a room and pretty much one  of a kind for a high school science room. David and Jacoby were writing something down in their notebooks when Jacoby brought his elbow back, hit the thermometer and watched it fall to the floor. The rest of class was working on whatever else and the teacher was in the front of the room keeping a slight look over everything. Ding! The termometer bust on the floor and there was a lightreddish/yellow looking liquid on the floor following it. Some had bounced onto Kyle's shoes. "Ahhhhhh! JACOBY DID IT"! yelled David who was now running towards the front of the room. Jacoby's words were "Oh my god, Really!" when he seen it hit the ground. Kyle let out this deeped tone yell as he seen a quarter sized drop stain of whatever chemical was now on his shoes. "What's going on?" exclaimed the teacher from the front of the class. "Jacoby broke a thermometer and it is on the floor". said David in reply to the teachers comment. "Well okay, let's get a janitor in here and have him see if it's safe to clean up. Kyle and Seth went and found one of the school janitors who entered. Then some reason the room became filled with a stench and all the kids started complaining about the smell. The teacher was a local resident and somewhat little experienced substitute for the school.  She asked Seth to go tell the principal they were moving to a different room because of the accident and smell until it was cleaned up. The principal seemed okay with it and all the kids moved into a room a little ways down the hall. Everyone was chattering about the incident now. The guys all stood in a huddle. Kyle sit in a desk with his arms folded across the top and his chin resting on the arms. "I ain't ready to die. I mean, look at it. Can't you see that it looks toxic. Just look what it's doing to my shoe. I'm gonna get skin cancer or something". said Kyle in a half joking tone while also sounding serious with a little bit of overwhelmed tone in his voice. The guys were grinning and letting out slight laughs. "Kyle, you'r not gonna die. It's not even real mercury. It's just a reaction chemical and it won't even do nothing to you". said Seth while reassuring Kyle nothing bad was going to happen. Finally the situation was under control and everything went back to normal. The craziness didn't stop that week. On Thursday, several of the guys were being pulled during the school day down to the office. Apparently boys from a local juvenile house had gotten into the high school after practice or something and was messing up school equipment inside the gyms and hallways. Somehow it was thought that the guys were the one's who did it or left the door open for the guys to easily go through. It was total accidental if the door was open. It was almost always shut and locked anyways. The guys weren't letting the few who hadn't gotten pulled in on much. Kyle and Jacoby were the ones pulled during class along with another kid was hanging around them from the class. Seth, David and Danny were trying to get info from Jacoby on what was happening. Somehow there were police officers telling them that they were gonna review footage on the cameras and if they were lying and were the ones destroying the school stuff then they would be in trouble. Jacoby and Kyle would never do anything like that and it was outrageous that they were the ones being accused. So the guys told them not to worry. Sports practice rolled around and then Jake was called to the office. Seth and Kyle were the ones to tell Jake he needed to go to the office cause they wanted him there. The boys marched into the locker room. They started chanting his name over and over. "JAKE, JAKE, JAKE!" - the boys remained at a constant volume. Jake laughed and so was everyone else. The boys ended up not being guilty and it was someone else who had done it. So thankfully no one was in trouble. They had nothing to hide anyways. The guys weren't that kind of trouble makers. Finals were next week and Friday had now ended and the weekend was usually just boring and slow for the guys. See you Monday apparently. 

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