Chapter 1 - Lost lover(part 1)

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"Love,makes a man forget all sadness,
Without it,he'd be drenched in madness
Meeting your love would open a new gate,
Losing your love, you'd feel a gaping emptiness in your fate."

"So...*shivers*so..cold,I find ...shelter",I said, tired of walking in this heavy snow. As I walked I felt my backpack getting heavier,my legs getting numb-er and my eyes closing. I thought I might pass out in a few minutes, I warmed up my bare hands with my breath. It's weird, an hour ago everything thing was green, warm and almost spring like but after having reached this part of the forest, I find that it seems to be experiencing winter. I started seeing a blackish,block like figure at a distance but my eyesight seemed to have gotten a bit blurry. I couldn't walk..... anymore, I fell to my knees and then on my face,"This snow feel so lonely for some reason,it's like I'm missing someone...I really loved",I talked to myself with my voice choking.
I passed out as the snow kept piling up on me like a blanket." Are you.....,don't worry....",I heard a faint voice.

My eyes opened and I stared at the ceiling for a couple seconds trying to recollect what had happened. I got up and rested my back against the wall behind me. I felt something big approaching me as I felt the vibrations from the wooden flooring. A man with short brown hair and a beard,in his winter casuals,sat beside my futon and asked me," How you doing? You were lying almost dead out there you know.",he told me showing his concern,"I'm ok I think, just a bit cold"." Haha of course you are, I'm Alex Stuart by the way",he said with a welcoming handshake," I'm Virgil",I replied." Well your welcomed to stay with us for as long as you like Virgil",Alex said happily." Us?,I asked curiously, "Well I live with my wife, Nina and my baby girl, Mary",he replied while leaning back with the support of his hands.

A woman walked into the room. She had her brunette hair tied back, fair skin, wore a sweater which had threads popping out from various places,a red scarf with dark red stain like marks on them and held a baby in her arms." Oh so your up are you ? , Alex take her, I'll make our guest over here some of my special chicken soup to warm him up", said Nina with a caring smile. Those stains on that scarf.....those weren't normal stains,they had spirit energy in them.

After a while....

Nina served me the chicken soup in an old china bowl and went out of sight while Alex took Lil' Mary and started playing with her right beside my futon.
The family like love between Alex and Mary made me envious of them."Alex you seem like you're enjoying that ", I said with a fake smile on my face,"Haha,yeah. I dunno why I feel like I become carefree when I start playing with her", said Alex as he danced around with Mary." Then tell me Alex, why would you keep a fake of your wife in your house? She isn't the real Nina is she ?",I said breaking my fake smile. There was a moment of silence,Alex stopped playing with Mary and turned towards me." Why you ask?....let me enlighten you on the sadness I've had to go through" said Alex.

Alex Stuart

The night before,it had snowed really hard so I had gotten up early to clear out the snow building up near our house. After I had cleared the snow,I looked at the sky and knew it could snow again any moment. So I headed towards the nearby forest with my axe to gather some fire wood. Two hours or so later,I finished chopping the fire wood into smaller pieces so it would be easier to carry. I picked up as much as I could but there were still a few more pieces left lying around. I figured I could always come back so I headed back towards my house. After I had arrived, Nina had prepared breakfast but I told her I'd be back in a moment as I still had a bit of wood to bring back. She told me that she would handle it and I should take care of Mary and eat as I must have been hungry. I agreed like an IDIOT...

Thirty minutes passed but Nina hadn't come back. I heard some howls from the direction the forest was. I just couldn't wait anymore,I wore my jacket and headed out so that I could keep Mary with my friend's family until I came back. They asked me what had happened, I told them Nina had gone into the woods and hadn't returned, and that I got worried when I heard howls coming from the same direction. My friend insisted that he woul help out, we formed a search party of 3,including his brother and headed towards the forest with weapons packed.

We were walking, in about ten minutes we would reach the spot. Suddenly,loud growls and howling could be heard from our right,so we began running in that direction. After we arrived,I saw....Nina bleeding from her neck and her shoulders,running and tripping and a pack of wild wolves almost surrounding her.
I chased after then in anger and started slicing wolves left and right with an axe while my friend and his brother used their bow and arrows to kill the wolves. Nina collapsed behind me and blood kept spewing out of her...I hated myself,I couldn't stop her bleeding at that point as we were still fighting the wolves.

The wolves were retreating as the two kept them at bay, I was so tired but I couldn't stop,I ran towards Nina crying. I fell to my knees and picked her up in my arms and removed my scarf so I could use it to stop the excessive bleeding from her neck." It burns hurts..a..lot", she said with her gentle yet dying voice,"Stop talking, the pain's gonna go away once we patch you up OKAY....Nina?I'm not letting you die here... you hear me?!", I said as I felt my world break apart like glass and my eyes began losing the capability to hold my heavy tears", " I'll always be with you...Alex....take care of our Mary...well ...will you",she said as she coughed blood and her eyes began to take her away from my reality. I didn't want to say anything else. I hugged her close as my tears fell on her face and kissed her one last time....
As I carried her in that snow, I couldn't lift my head from her corpse that lay in my arms. I felt so lonely and empty,I didn't want to live anymore.

After giving her a proper burial,I asked my friend to take care of Mary for a while as I needed some time. I spent my days, lying around in the memories I shared with her, remembering how her hugs felt like, how her cooking tasted like, how we'd do silly things to each other when one of us was angry....All of there were just memories now. I always kept the scarf that soaked her blood in my pocket .It seemed like the only thing that kept me from falling off the edge of sanity. I passed out a lot of times due to hunger as I had no appetite. One day when I woke up from passing out , the scarf had gone missing.

Hellooooo readers,temme what's wrong and what's right with my story in the comments. Be a good critic and ill be a good author. Vote if you thought it was good.

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