Chapter 2 ~ Tammy

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WARNING: I know Tammy seems awful, but give her a chance. There's a big reason why she is like this and you'll know it, eventually. Don't give up on her just yet. Also, she swears a lot.


Chapter 2 ~ Tammy

“Grimmy!” Leanne cries out as we make our way down the halls in the studios of Radio BBC1. It’s fucking early in the morning, I’m grumpy and I haven’t had coffee, but we have to be here just to keep promoting our music.

Nick Grimshaw, host of the Breakfast Show on BBC1 is supporting us a lot, he is fun and we like him. He can take a banter, and that’s a requirement to hang out with us. Otherwise, you may end up visiting a therapist. I’m not trying to be mean, it’s the truth. We are a bit hard to get along with. It’s no surprise. We’re very different from each other and our personalities are extremely different, yet we work on stage. We really work. And modesty apart, we’re fucking awesome, man.

And as in ‘we’ I mean Leanne, a blond and fit girl with electric blue eyes, big boobs and very feminine who happens to be the drummer; Emma, the tallest of them all, with sensuality that runs in her Latin blood, with dark hair and piercing greens is the bass player and second voice; Skyler with her messy dirty blond hair, blue eyes, extremely pale complexion is the first guitar and a freaking genius –give her an instrument, she’ll master it in a couple of minutes–; and me, Tammy, lead singer and second guitar. We are in Prodigy, the revelation of this time. Man, we came here to change the world with our music, to be the biggest stars everyone has ever seen and no one will stop us.

“My beautiful Leanne!” Grimmy exclaims walking towards us and grabbing the drummer in his arms. Leanne is probably the most cheerful and nicer of the band, she is always flirting and likes when men look at her with desire in their eyes. Certainly, she is the one who cares the most about looks and that stuff. “How have you been? You look astonishing, as usual.” Leanne gives him one of her signature smiles that make men go crazy.

“I’m a bit sleepy, but I’m okay,” she answers.

“I’m a real zombie. I need coffee if you expect me to stay awake during your show,” I interrupt and he looks at me, not surprised at all. I’m not known for the best manners. I’m known for my blunt honesty and how I don’t hide anything during interviews. I always say what I think or feel in everyone’s face

“I figured. Coffee and some sandwiches are waiting for you in the booth.” I smile radiantly when I hear his words. Coffee, that beverage of the gods!

I don’t wait for another word, I just walk past him in the direction of the booth, leaving everyone behind. Coffee is more important. I need it or I’ll start eating brains. From afar I hear Nick adding, “Always a pleasure to see you, Tammy!”

I snort. I know I’m not the nicest girl around, that I’m rude and awful, but that’s my style, that’s what I’m selling. That’s the image I’ve build to fill this role. I’m a rockstar, not a silly pop singer who sells her personal life to write some songs expecting pity from everyone else. I want people to know I’m strong, that not because I’m a woman I have to be fragile and crying over a breakup. I can wear the shoes of a rockstar and I can make any guy tremble. Rudeness is part of my image, it comes with the pack of being in a band like Prodigy. We’re not a girl band, we are a rock band and we are the best out there. Our name says everything, each single one of us is a prodigy.

I get to the booth, I don’t even acknowledge the presence of the DJ and I just attack the little table with the coffee machine and the little sandwiches. Sweet and perfect breakfast! I should’ve eaten before I left my flat, but who can eat that early in the morning?

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