Him Again!

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The morning I woke up after a sound sleep. I was better and composed now. I had my plans ready for the day - sightseeing  and making friends for a while with some new faces  were on the check list. 

I washed myself and got ready for a day out at Paris. This was the right time to go out and discover new memories of the sort I was looking for.

I walked my way to nearby St. Germain Restaurants,  beautiful place lined up with cafés and bistros. I served my morning hunger with tortillas and a cup of tea. The sun was bright and so was the atmosphere of the street.  

Next, I took a cab to Palais du Louvre and had a great time visiting  Musée du Louvre. They are situated near Seine, I had once been to Paris with my parents as a kid but i don't have much memories of it.   So, I had come back to relive them.

The  walk along the Seine  was brilliant!

It was late evening, the sky had turned bluish black  the crowd was now flocking the bistros for a refreshment, the restaurants and bars were prepared for a great evening ahead

I walked into La Louvre Repaille , ordered a Chicken Cordon Bleu Pizza and Zucchini . I was waiting for the food  when I saw someone I never wanted to see again ... the one who had given me hard time last night! You know who I am talking about. It is easy to guess.. M. Martinez! The man had seen me already  I didn't wanted to run away like last night.  I stayed there.. and cherished the food.   


A note to my readers..

<This is something new that I am trying my hands on... Please help me get encouraged to write more and better.... you can do this by putting in your comment , and giving your precious votes Thank You A ton in Advance! love Ya People to the core.... > Lots of Love : Eena A.

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