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A Random, Stupid and Weird "Filler Chapter"  

from Icecreamweird0's story, What Happened Yesterday

Rodger's POV

I walked into Ethan's room. My best buddy was nowhere to be found. He was probably in the bathroom, so I decided to head downstairs to his fridge. I was craving a Twix. Right then, I happened to hear this really vague, odd noise. It seemed to be coming from under Ethan's bed, so I became Rodger Mora the Detective and went to investigate the scene.

I neared the bed with my hands joined together as If they were a gun. I hummed the James Bond theme softly. I put on my serious face- the one that drives girls wild- and quickly ran my fingers through my hair and let out a quick breath. I had no idea why I was doing all this spy stuff.

The odd noise came again, but louder this time. I dropped to my knees, and-  

What the..? What was Jada doing under Ethan's bed?

I stared at her for a few seconds before realizing my mouth was open. I closed it, but Jada kept making the noise.

"Oooooooooo..." She faltered.

As if just noticing me, Jada abruptly turned around and cocked her head to the side in a questioning manner.

"Jada, what the fu-"

"Tooooona." Jada blurted, cutting me off. I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm so confused. What are you sayi-?" I was cut off again by the cute girl.

"TOOOOOOOONA." This time it was slightly louder, and she jerked her head out from under the bed. I stepped back a little. Jada was freaking me out now.


"TUNA!" She put on a happy face and crawled out from under the bed and ran around the room a couple times. I facepalmed. Sure, Jada was weird, but this was really... Strange.

I attempted to catch Jada. She was on her fifth lap around the room and I almost caught up to her, but I my face met painfully with a door as Ethan slammed the door open.

"AAAEEAAAEEAAA!!!!!" He beat his chest while yelling, and then took off across his room and dove through his window. Glass was sent flying everywhere.

I was really starting to flip out when I realized: RICK WAS A GIRL.

Only two weeks ago, "Rick" had pulled me aside and revealed to me a shocking secret: my "identical" twin "brother" "Rick" was actually my


At birth she had undergone some weird plastic surgery disorder thing that turned Raymond into a guy- and she (he?) looked exactly like me.

This horrifying discovery had put me in Traumatic Glitter Twilight Zone Depression, or TGTZD.

I let out a heart-breaking sigh as I sank to the floor to begin my lament. As the thoughts lingered in my mind, I couldn't help thinking: he (she?) deceived me. All these years.

It was getting pretty hard to hold in the tears- men don't cry. Especially not in front of pretty girls they like.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. I did cry. Tears rolled down my cheeks like babies pee, and I let it all out. I think Jada heard me, though, because she had stopped saying 'Tuna' over and over. I hid behind my hands.

Jada hobbled up to me in the craziest way possible, and sat down next to me. I turned my head away from her but she pulled me in with her arms. The next thing you know I was crying on her shoulder. This made me cry even harder.

She pulled away and I reluctantly stopped hugging. I looked into those deep dark black eyes, a sea of mystery and adventure. I opened my mouth to thank her, but she put her fingers- like three of them really- on my mouth, and shushed me. I could hear Ethan wailing from outside about rusty spoons. I tuned him out. Jada let out a quick "Tuna" and she kissed me right on the cheek. Those soft, delicate flower petals on my cheek were the last thing I remembered before I passed out.


I woke up sweaty and cold. I breathed heavily but then noticed my brother Rick sleeping in the bed neighboring mine, and quieted down so much as to let him rest.

That hot girl... 

She'd snapped me out of my weird depression thing. TGTZD or something. I grinned to myself and lay back down in bed, staring at the ceiling as I closed my eyes.


A/N: JadaFic was inspired by Jada going TUNA randomly at school. (Rodger is hot.) "Tuna" is kind of a stupid filler chapter not even in Jada's amazing series, "What Happened Yesterday". My writing skills aren't as amazing as hers, and if you haven't read W.H.Y., you definitely should. Jada's profile is @Icecreamweirdo. Don't forget to  Like and Vote! (Do those to W.H.Y., too!)  

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