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Ally's P.O.V
It was ten pm, curfew and for the first night in nearly a week all of my girls were home. They were in the living room play just dance with their freshly showered hair flipping around. At 9:30 I decided that they Cam and Mani had spent their fair of time in the corner so I let them out. I watched them laughing from time to time I let them play for another fifteen minutes and then I turned off the wii. They all groaned and Lauren begged "please Ally just one more round". I shook my head and said "get ready for bed you have half an hour Mani and Mila you have fifteen minutes before I come up okay. We have an interview and 8:30 so we need be out of here by 7. Lights are going out at 11 understood". They all mumbled that they understood and walked to their rooms.

I got on some pj shorts and a sports bra with a big tee shirt overtop and brushed my teeth. I walked over to Normani's room and knocked on the door she said "come in" and I did. I got a bar of children's soap from her bathroom and bubbled it. I set it down and put her across my lap. I landed about thirty smacks as hard as I could and them sat her on my lap. I held her while she cried. I kissed her forehead and when she had settled down I said "you know I don't like you swearing at other people but it wasn't a fan so I'm not going to spank you for that. Can you open your mouth for me she let a few more tears slip and then she opened her mouth. I put in the bar of soap and rubbed it around. I stood her up and and marched her to the corner. I put her hands on her head and went to Camila's room.

I knocked and entered Cam's room. I heard her mumble with a mouthful of toothpaste "I'm in here". I found her in her bathroom. She spit into the sink and faced me. I sat on the toilet seat and she stood i front of me. She said "do you really have to". I nodded. I guided her over my lap and said "just thirty, long as you're good". Smack Smack SMACK Smack smack SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Smack Smack Smack SMACK Smack smack SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Smack Smack Smack SMACK Smack smack SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK Smack. "It's all over baby you're all forgiven" I soothed. Camila soon cried herself out. I tucked her in and flicked out her light.

Back with Normani I held back her hair while she spit and gargled over the sink. She drank two glasses of water before informing me that she was in fact ready for bed. I followed her to her bed and pulled back the covers she dove in and I set the covers over her. She said "goodnight" and I said "I love sweetie" before walking out of the room.

At ten thirty I headed to tuck in Dinah I looked in her room and found the lights already off. There was the steady glow of blue light admitted from her phone. I walked over and took it. I said with a slight scold in my voice "you've been way to tired lately and you know with this week being the start of tour diet you need to get your energy from sleep. So no more phone after ten". Dinah groaned and pulled out her charger she handed it to me and said "can you plug it in if you're keeping it". I took the charger and nodded. We said our goodbyes and I left. I walked to the living room and plugged in both Dinah and I's phones, it's not just her that needs to crack down on their sleep habits.

After one more flight of stairs I hit Lauren's room. She was knocked out cold on the couch with her clothes still on. I shook her and woke her up. She groaned and walked to her bed before collapsing there. I pulled the blankets out from underneath her and put them over her she pulled off her shirt and pants and threw them on the floor. I went to pick them up before stopping myself, her room her mess not my problem. She sleepily mutter an I love and drifted off again. She's going to be the real problem for this week. This week we eat the least amount of food, calories, fat, sugar and then we add more the harder we work so when we start dance practice 6 days a week those days we get more and on tour more but days off less.

I dragged myself upstairs and headed for bed.

A/N you're right Soccerstar2015 they can. You're move.

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