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The one thing I can tell you about myself is I loved. I loved more deeply than ever. I couldn't stop loving. It was just a part of my nature. Another thing I can tell you about myself is I lost who I was when I loved that deeply. Like I forgot who I was with that amount of love in my veins. 

He was everything to me. How am I supposed to live without his love? How can I possibly breathe another minute knowing he is with someone else? Was I not good enough? No. That must not be the answer. Was he not the one? 

Love consumed me. Love empowered me. Love set a fire inside my soul that I had never felt before. So why am I so afraid to let that fire consume me once more? I guess the answer is simple. By loving someone so dearly, I had let myself get too attached to someone fragile. Someone incapable of the love I was able to give so freely. 

The answer to my question is not that I was wrong for him. It is that he was wrong for me. He was not the one I was supposed to love so deeply, cherish so fully, and care about so dearly. I was meant for another. Someone more kind, more selfless, and more capable of love. 

Will I find this other in a partner to spend the rest of my life with? Maybe. Will it kill me if I don't? No. That's the funny thing about life. No matter how difficult something was, it still goes on. Never stopping. Never faltering. Always moving. 

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