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Mace. One-shot. Slightly NSFW. 1,700 words. Kinda violent/rough??

"What do you mean, you've never kissed a girl?" Mamrie giggles.
"Why is that so surprising?" Grace asks.
"I don't know I just thought that anyone who went to college has at least kissed a girl." Mamrie shrugs.
"At least?" Grace is interested.
"Well yeah. There were a few girls I fucked."
"Mamrie! Oh god. I did not need to hear that." Grace laughs.
"You asked." Mamrie smirks while lifting her glass to her lips.
"Seriously, you gotta kiss a girl. It's fun." Mamrie insists.
"What would you like me to do? Go to a gay bar right now and start making out with a woman?" Grace jokes. Although, she was only half joking.
"Actually, yes. Let's go." Mamrie picks up her purse and stands up.
"Mame, I was kidding."
"Well I'm not. Come on, Gracie. You gotta have this experience." Mamrie grabs Grace's hand and helps her up from the couch.
"Okay but I'm not exactly dressed for a night out." Grace points out, looking down at her jeans and t-shirt.
"You're right," Mamrie agrees "go change."
Grace hurries to her bedroom and slips on a black dress. Mamrie is already wearing a short black skirt and a floral top with a jacket draped over it. Grace doesn't really know if this is a good idea but she's already a bit buzzed and Mamrie isn't gonna let it go until it happens so might as well get it over with.
Apparently Mamrie has the "perfect" gay bar in mind. It's only ten minutes away so when they arrive it's midnight. They show their ID's to the bouncer and enter the bar. It's huge, Grace thinks. It's bigger than any bar she's ever seen. Mamrie's hand is grasping her wrist, pulling her through the large crowd, making their way to the bar. Mamrie orders a round of shots and sits down. She turns to Grace.
"Let's begin scoping out the ladies yeah?" Mamrie winks. Grace just rolls her eyes and turns to look at the crowd dancing.
"What about her?" Mamrie points to a short girl with purple hair.
"Nah too short." Grace says.
"Her?" Mamrie nods at the woman who just walked past them.
"She's alright but she does not smell good..." They both laugh. The shots are placed in front of them and they down them as quick as they can.
"Tequila, Mamrie? Really?" Grace coughs.
"It'll get us drunk the quickest." Mamrie responds.
Grace doesn't really know how long they've been there. She thinks maybe 20 minutes but it could've been an hour. All she knows is that this song has a good beat to it and she wants to dance to it. And dance she does....well as least she thinks she's dancing...she's basically just jumping. Mamrie is somewhere to the left of her, dancing as well. After the song is over, she feels a hand on her shoulder.
"Come on, Helbig! What are you waiting for? Pick someone!" She hears Mamrie say into her ear.
Why is she here again? Pick someone for what? Oh right. She remembers. She thinks it's quite stupid now. To go out to a gay bar just to kiss a girl that she'll probably never see again. Stupid. But she knows she'll never hear the end of it from Mamrie if she doesn't. The next song comes on and she starts dancing again. She looks around her. There are tons of people grinding upon each other and making out. She normally wouldn't come to bars this crazy but she's too drunk to care. She just wants to dance. She wonders why someone hasn't come up to her yet. It would be so much easier if a woman found her attractive and just started talking to her. Grace isn't the person to just go up to someone and start talking let alone, flirt. She thinks of herself as a decent looking person so why hasn't someone approached her yet? Whatever. She'll wait a little longer.
When no one comes for what seems like hours, she quickly finds a girl and taps her on the shoulder.
"Hi." Grace says awkwardly.
"Hey!" The woman smiles.
Grace just stands there with a drink in hand, daydreaming for a few seconds until she snaps out of it.
"Do you find me attractive?" Grace slurs.
"Yes I do." The girl laughs.
"Okay so why aren't people talking to me? Or flirting?" Grace takes another swig of her vodka soda.
The girl just stands there, chuckling to herself.
"I'm sorry. Am I being weird?" Grace asks.
"No, no. Just funny that's all. But to answer your question, people probably aren't flirting because you came in with the redhead right?"
"Yeah..." Grace drags out. "Sorry, what does that have to do with anything?"
"Are you and her dating?" The woman asks.
"Wha? That's Mamrie. My best friend."
"Honey, when you come to this bar, people assume you're romantically involved with whoever you came in with."
Grace's face is scrunched up. She's confused and the woman can tell.
"In other words...people noticed you but they thought you were with Mamrie so they backed off."
Ohhhhhh. Now she understands.
"Okay that makes sense now." Grace goes back to the dance floor. She doesn't know where Mamrie is but she's not worried. When people still aren't coming up to her, she huffs. Why does she have to make a move? Why can't some other girl make a move on her? She thinks she need some sort of sign to hold that says "IM SINGLE" on it. She chuckles to herself when she thinks of the stupidity that that would display. She notices a girl approaching her a few minutes later. She's blonde and pretty.
"Hi!" The girl says.
"Oh hey." Grace responds drunkenly.
"Wanna dance?" The girl offers a hand.
"Sure." Grace takes it.
Maybe this girl will want to kiss her.
After awhile of dancing with the girl, she doesn't make a move so Grace gets bored and decides to just walk away. She needs to just do it. It shouldn't be this hard. She spots a girl over by the bar and her back is faced towards her but Grace decides she's hot anyway. She's gonna go for it. She trudges her way through the huge crowd and nudges the woman by the bar, before spinning her around and immediately attaching their lips. The woman freezes but then melts into the kiss, throwing her arms around Grace's neck. Grace likes the kiss. And she presumes the other woman likes it too since she just ran her tongue across her bottom lip, practically begging for entrance. And that's what she gives her. Soon enough, fingers are threading through her blonde hair and Grace moans at the feeling. Her mind turns on again and tells her to stop. She doesn't want to but making out in the middle of a bar with people staring, is not something she wants. She pulls away and the hands haven't left her head yet. They're just holding each other and Grace smiles at the comfort it gives her. When her eyes open, she is greeted with a pair of beautiful blue eyes. Eyes that are familiar. Wait. Too familiar. Her eyes widen when she sees long red hair cascading down the woman's shoulders. A worried look is plastered on the woman's face. A look she doesn't know very well and that scares her. She just kissed her best friend. And she liked it.
The hands are removed from her head, sending a shiver down her spine. She realizes she's still firmly holding Mamrie's waist and immediately pulls away. She feels like she's naked in front of a huge crowd with the way Mamrie is looking at her. She doesn't believe in God but she's praying that this can be turned into a joke somehow. Praying that Mamrie will just start laughing at any moment. And her prayers are answered. Because Mamrie doesn't start laughing and it doesn't become a joke. It becomes two women staring at each other, not knowing what to do. Grace would normally keep quiet but she's too drunk to stop herself from talking.
"Mamrie, I-"
"Shut up." Mamrie cuts her off.
Mamrie looks serious and Grace isn't gonna test her so she shuts up. After a moment, Mamrie speaks again.
"Let's get you home." Mamrie grabs Grace's wrist and pulls her outside. Her wrist tingles at the touch as she allows herself to be dragged outside. Mamrie doesn't let go until they're in the cab.
"I'm sorry." Grace whispers.
Mamrie just looks at her. It's a look Grace has never seen before. Her eyes are different. Her expression is serious but her eyes are sharp. Grace thinks Mamrie is about to kill her or something. She looks mad but her eyes are hungry looking. Like a tiger, she thinks. Grace reaches for her friends hand but Mamrie immediately retracts it, holding it in her lap.
Once they arrive to Mamrie's place, Mamrie pulls Grace out of the car by her wrist again.
"This isn't my home." Grace states.
Mamrie shoots her another hungry look and Grace is confused now. But she sure as hell isn't gonna ask. The redhead opens the door to her home and Grace follows. It happens so fast, she can't even think. She's up against the door now, being kissed deeply. Mamrie's tongue tastes like fireball and raspberries and she enjoys it very much. Then, there's a knee between her legs, and now she's really into it. She's so into it that she wraps her legs around Mamrie and holds onto Mamrie's neck.
"Take me to bed. Please." Grace whispers into Mamrie's ear, making the older woman shiver. Mamrie nods desperately and carries Grace into the bedroom where they fall onto the bed together.
"I didn't know it was you." Grace mumbles, between kisses. She feels Mamrie laugh a little.
"Are you sure you want this?" Mamrie grinds her hips into Grace's, smirking.
"Jesus Christ..." Grace reaches for Mamrie's shirt and pulls it over her head.
"I'll take that as a yes."

Author's Note: honestly I don't even know. Let me know what you think! Any requests for one-shots??

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