Chapter 1

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*BEEP BEEP BEEP* my alarm clock goes off. I rolled over to turn it off and look at the tv in my half asleep state of mind. Once everything registered I realize that it was the first day of summer. Now I know what you are thinking " Who the hell has an alarm during the summer?" Well I do. Every year my church does this thing call Middle School Move Up Mania and I was moving up from 7th grade to 8th and I thought it'd be fun to go do. I get up out of bed and walked towards my closet. You see I live in West Virginia and the summers here are pretty hot. So I grabbed my favorite pair of black shorts and one of my many band tank tops. Another thing about me, I love music. Some of my favorite bands are Falling in Reverse, Black Veil Brides, La Dispute, and You Me At Six and a lot of others. I take my pj's off and put on the shorts and tank top. I turned and looked in the mirror. I brushed out my hair pulling my bangs into there signature style and tie the rest back. My hair is quit long and its black, I keep it tied back so i don't over heat. I know what you thinking why don't I cut it? Well my current boyfriend (Jerred) thinks it better long so i keep it long. Now Jerred isn't coming to the thing with me cause hes out of state so I'm keeping busy. I go to put my converse on and tie them tight. I check my phone, there's a text from my dad. " On my way." My parents have been divorced since I was 18 months old. I've pretty much gotten used to the fact that I am not normal, nor will I ever know the feeling of having married parents but I keep going on with life. A third thing about me, I have depression. Yeah, it's one of those stories, but it isn't all about fighting and staying strong its about love and passions. I stare at myself in the mirror. I see so many flaws in myself, I just don't understand what- *ZAP* I snapped my head in the direction of my phone. I had a text from the loving boyfriend. He said, " Good Morning Beautiful, have a good day today (: " I smiled as i read the message and replied with " Good Morning c: and I will, going to a church thing, I hope you are having fun." Jerred is grand and all but he's a slow texter, and well how can I put this in a nice way... Stupid. I'm in all honors and he is in the lower levels classes and he failed this year, again. While I'm doing summer work for my high school classes hes doing summer school. We've been dating for 5 months and we are good together, although all Jerred ever wants is sex. I don't believe in sex before marriage but we'd make out a lot. I walk out in the living room and sat down at the computer. I log into my facebook and scrolled through until dad got here. My phone went off again. I checked it and I had a message from Dad saying "Here." I grabbed my bag containing: My sketch pad, my pencil bag, and a water bottle. I swung the string bag over my back and walked out the door.

I got in the car and buckled my seat belt. My Dad smiled and said hello. I said hey and we drove out of the drive way. I live like 5 minutes away from my church so it's a short car ride. We pulled up to the to the "Outback" (which is basically a park behind our church). My dad handed me the lunch he packed for me and i got out and walked up the small hill. I stood on the top of the hill, I could see over all of the land there. I saw my friend Sarrah she was waiting for me under the pavilion. As I was walking down to her this tall ginger kid ran into me almost knocking me over trying to catch a Frisbee. I let out a loud Ow and he turned around. He looked at me for a minute, then as a half smile grew on his face, he replied, "Oops" and ran off. I continued walking to my friend and before I sat down i turned to look at the ginger again, I knew who he was. It was David Hull, the sexy ginger who played football and was tougher then steel. I haven't seen him around for awhile, but from that moment on I knew, I wanted him and I was determined to make him mine.

For the rest of that day we kept making eye contact and flirtatiously smiling at each other. On the frist day of move up mania all we did was try to get to know each other and, we did so by playing pointless games. David and I were both on the 8th grade so, we'd be teamed up a lot. The first game was building some shit out of duct tape and news paper. And being a teenager girl who'd much rather be listening to music, I wasn't very interested in taking part. While everyone was getting into the game my friend Sarrah and I where sitting on the ground chatting like always. As we were talking the stunning ginger I had made an encounter with came over and sat down next to me. He was literally inches away from me, you can pretty much imagine how much I was freaking out on the inside. I looked over at him, smiled and said, " Heller." Really? I could have said something less corny. He smiled and replied " Yo." Ok, yeah I'm good. "So what are you ladies doing?" This should be fun,

"We're just avoiding this game as much as possible. We aren't very active bunnies."

" So, your bunnies now? That nice."

"Yup. Well actually I'm Batman so."

"Oh, so you like Batman stuff."

"Live and breathe it."

"That's cool, the names David."

"Yeah David, I know who you are. We've known each other for awhile. Name's Mackenzie."

" OH! HEY! It's been awhile since I've seen you!"

I chuckled at him. He's such a dork. The others had finished the game while we were talking. They rounded us all up to sit down and eat lunch. Sarrah and I sat down at a table. We were the unofficial loners of church, yup just like at school. We talked some more and started to unpack our lunches. My dad doesn't work so he spends a lot of time at home so there's no clue what he could have packed. There was so much food. I have problems with my body so I don't really like to eat... I offered my friend some of the food but her mom put her on a diet so it was pretty much a waste. I eat about a third of it and kind of stared at the rest. Then suddenly guess who came along? Yup, the ginger. He yet again sat only inches away from me at the table. He unpacked his lunch, he had enough food to feed a straving country. We watched him scarf down half of it in ten second flat. I said " Hello again." He took a second to breathe and replied "Sup." I looked at him and he turned facing me.


"Nothing, Just watching. Ok that sounded weird but seriously are you a bottomless pit?"

He chuckled, "Yup, I'm always hungry."

"Do you want this?" I gustured toward my untouched food.

"OH MY GOD YES!" He shouted and devored the food.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. We had some free time to hang out and talk among ourselves. Sarrah and I made our way over to the swing set. I sat down on one of the swings and the moment I sat down David ran up and stole the swing next to me. He smiled and laughed. I looked at him shocked at what had happened. "My friend was about to sit there bro?" He looked at me.  

"I know. I had a get desire to sit on THIS VERY SWING!"

"You are one weird ginger." I looked at him and chuckled.

I began to start pushing myself on the swing. Getting higher and higher. David began to swing also and was at the same height with me. I learned back and watched as the whole world turned upside down. This was my serenity, the moment when I was suspended in a world of my own. When I came back up David wasn't at my side he had jumped off the swing trying to impress someone. I slowed myself down to a point when I had stopped. He ran back over to the swing.  

"Did you see it!"

"See you jump off the swing?"

"Yeah man!"

"No." I laughed at him as he made a sad puppy dog face.

We sat there and talked. Sarrah had walked away to go chat with another friend. I started asking him questions.  

"So what kind of music do you listen to?"

"Mostly rap. But I love Skillet."

"ME TOO! Not rap. But Skillet yes. Well.... I do like a little rap."

"Like who?"

"... Eminem."

"ME TOO! I LOVE HIM! Wait not like that."

I chuckled. "Yeah I know what you mean."

"Hehehe, yeah... So what school do you go to?"

"North. Yeah the ghetto school."

"Hahaha, it's ok. I go to Hedgesville and it's like redneck city there."

"So are you redneck?"

"Well, yes and no. Not really though."

"That's good."

Then all the sudden, " DAVID IT'S TIME TO LEAVE!" A random voice called out.

" Aw damn. My sisters here."

"Aw ok. I'll see you tomorrow?"


I got up off the swing and he did to. He turned to me. I turned and looked at him. He opened up his arms, "Hug goodbye?" I smiled and opened up my arms. He embraced me in the most amazing hug ever and then he left.

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