Parts 4-6

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Part 4.


Two months passed. The New Year came in wonderfully. Delirious and Nogla both watched as the four on the television became a five, trying to forget that they were playing the parts of a different person. They both had the same New Year's resolution, and both covered it up with a lie.

Nogla-in-Delirious's-body's lie: "My New Year's resolution is to start drinking less."

Delirious-in-Nogla's-body's lie: "My New Year's resolution is to start buying my own food."

What they meant: "My New Year's resolution is to get back in my own body."

New Year's day was hungover for most, but they hadn't had anything to drink. They were too bitter and too afraid to even touch alcohol. What if one of them said something while under the influence? Something about their... predicament?

It was too much of a risk.

Valentine's Day happened quickly. Since neither had a Valentine, as always, there was no hassle there. Delirious and Nogla used it as an excuse to remain introverted, when in actuality they just didn't want to face people.

And now, February was beginning to thaw away, and Spring was threatening to be amazing that year. Each chunk of Winter was replaced with nice, warm temperatures, or the return of some animal that had migrated to another part of the world. Flower buds, and the occasional early bloomer...

Everything in their bodies healed nicely. Delirious no longer required crutches to walk, but scars from surgeries and the fall remained.

But Delirious and Nogla barely noticed. They were too busy trying to figure out ways to stop their existence in the wrong body. That is, until that fateful February 26th, when Nogla walked out of the door and proclaimed, "This is the day."

Because Nogla was done. He thought that, if he hadn't found anyway to fix himself by now, then it would find him. He just had to accept it, and wait. And friends made waiting easier. So what if he had to act like Delirious around them? It wasn't even that big of a step away from himself. If he could be Daithi, then he sure as hell could be Delirious.

Delirious, however, did not want to be Nogla, because he's a piece of shit. He still looked for the answer, and one day it came knocking on the door.

It wasn't Amine, or some other god or goddess coming to change him back, no. No magic potion was left on the doorstep, and there was no step-by-step manual. No, what knocked on the door that February morning was Daithi.

"What do you want?' Delirious grumbled, moving back to the couch and leaving the door wide open for Nogla to enter. "Did you find a way to change us back, or...?"

"Or I'm going to talk to you, and it's the latter!" Nogla shut the door behind him. "Think about it, Delirious! Amine's a Friendship Goddess! The answer has to have something to do with friendship, and I'm almost certain she means us."

"Fuck off," Delirious sighed. "There's no way in hell I'm going to talk to you if I can avoid it. This entire thing is your fucking fault!"

Nogla hid his disappointment. "Come on, you still think that?"

"I think it 'cause it's true!" Delirious stood and began pushing Nogla—his own body—out the front door. "And don't come back, alright?! I'll talk to you when I figure this out!"

A car is speeding down the road.

For a moment, Nogla watched the house, as if it would change.

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