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Bills POV

Mabel left the room, smiling and claiming she was going to make a new sweater for me. 'Fun!' I thought to myself.

"Hey Bill?" Dip asked.

"Yeah Pine Tree?" I replied.

"Can we go back to the dreamscape now...."Dipper suggested.

"Yeah Pine Tree, we'll have so much fun!!" I squealed.

Dipper didn't respond, he seemed lost in thought... wait thought......

I read Dippers mind.

'I really like Bill, but how can I tell him? He can't possibly like me, he's a demon, and I'm just.... me...' he heard Dipper's thought.

Bill blushed a deep crimson. "Well let's get going then," I said as I sped walked out the door determinedly.

"Ok." Dipper said.

~le time skip~

We arrived at the dreamscape, only seconds later. And Dipper finally got to go inside.

"It's amazing, Bill!" Dipper exclaimed.

"'Not as amazing as you, though" I muttered.

"What?" Dipper asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I said, 'Not as amazing as the ballroom, though..." I lied.

"Ballroom??" Dipper asked skeptically.

"Yeah, it's really big." I said.

"Let's go look!!" Dipper practically screamed.

~~time skip~~

We arrived in my ballroom, the yellow shining brightly off the walls.

"Whoooaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Dipper exclaimed

I snapped my fingers and I was dressed up an a full suit, with a yellow brick pattern undershirt, black jacket and gloves, and a gold triangle ring. My shoes were black with yellow brick pattern bottoms and black dress pants. "Care to dance?" I asked as I bowed down holding my hand out.

"Uh-I- Uhhh- erm- suuurrrreere....." Dipper said as he blushed. I snapped and ,he too, was in a suit.

"Now, onto the flawr!!" I yelled pointing upwards.

Dipper giggled, I blushed.

We danced and danced and I couldn't stop staring into Dipper's amazing brown eyes and his brown hair.

He leaned in, not much, just a little. I leaned in a smige too. I got closer and Dipper started to talk.

"Uh Bill?"

"Yeah, Pine Tree?"

"How old are you??"

I thought "Older than time itself, but I do believe in human years, I'm 17." I said.

"Oh cool." he replied leaning in a but more.

"Yeah.." I said getting lost in his looks.

"Bill?" he asked.


"Do you- uh- like anyone?" he asked.

I didn't speak, I only got closer to his face.

His eyes grew wider.

"Does this answer your question?" I asked seconds before I smashed my lips against his. He kissed back passionately. I draped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. I snapped my fingers and we were in my bedroom, I carried him to the bed. We broke from the kiss for air, and I looked into Dipper's eyes. I kissed him gently against the lips.

"I love you Pine Tree..." I said as I laid down next to him and drifted off to sleep,

~~~A/N time~~~

Hellllooooo!!! It's here, the fluff chapter. Thanks to all of you who commented for what you wanted, I'm sorry if I did not meet your demands- I mean requests, and thanks a million for al the veiws!! Comment and vote if you wanna be mentioned!!!!! WOOOO HOOO!!! BYEEEEE!!!

Dancing In The Dreamscape (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now