•< Chapter 13 >•

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*My Pov*

"S-she's dead, Sapphire is dead?" Shen said as she touched her X scarred cheek.

"Yes...." Una said.

"Good riddance!" Tatania said, crossing her arms.

"Quiet, Tatania!" Una said.

A small groan was heard from the table Bill and Dipper were on.

Una gasped, "Bill!" She turned around, but it was a shirtless, bandaged,Dipper getting up, holding the area were he was run through.

"Ow...." he said "What the hell happened? I remember waking into a light and now waking up here- Hey iit's you!" Dipper said.

"Yes, Dipper, I was the one who helped you out of the Nightmare Realm." Una said and bowed her head.

Dipper nodded, "What happened to Bill?" He said surprised.

Shen looked up, a tear dripping down her cheek, "He gave up his powers to Sapphire, and it tore her apart."

"Shen, are you ok!" Una said rushing to her side.

"I will be fine, don't worry about me." Shen replied.

Dipper had a hand on his mouth, and tears were forming in his eyes as well. "He gave up his powers to save us...."

"Yes... It proves this demon actually has a heart." Tatania said.

"I always new he did..." Dipper said. "Right when he said 'I love you.' I knew he meant it, even a demon can know what it is." He smiled.

Shen's bluish gray hair swished in front of her face.

"Shen, it that right?" Dipper asked. "I'm sorry about Sapphire, any sibling loss it difficult to bear-" his eyes grew wide and he stood up quickly. He cried out and fell to the floor.

"Dipper! You need to be careful!!" Una said, picking him up.

"Mabel!! Is she ok?!?!" Dipper said frantically.

"Mabel is fine, she's at the shack, sleeping." Tatania said.

"How do you know that?" Dipper asked.

"Ever since that one eyed demon entered your household we've kept a close eye on the shack." Tatania replied.


"Hey! Look!" Shen said and pointed to Bill's body, which was floating in a light purple aura.

"Is- is he... healing himself?"

"No, Bill's healing aura is gold...." Una said skeptically.

Bill grunted "Uhg, what the hell happened?"

Dipper screamed, "BILL!!!" And tackled the demon.

Both Dipper and Bill landed on the floor with a wince. Bill kissed Dipper.

As they pulled out of the embrace, Dipper has an odd look on his face.

"Uh, babe... your eye is very cloudy..."

"So that's why you all look like blurs. Except you Dipper, I can see your sexy body, clear as day." Bill said examining the room.

Dipper blushed.

Bill got up and grabbed the table, then he helped Dipper get up.

"Well I can take care of my Pine Tree, lets teleport outta here!" Bill said.

He snapped, but nothing happened.

Bills eyes widened. "Shit." he whispered. "Una! Did you grab my magic when Sapphire died?!" He asked frantically.

"No, I didn't get there in time...." she said.

"Oh no...." Bill whispered, his knees grew weak and he fell to the floor, again.

"Bill, what's wrong?" Dipper asked.

"You see, Dipper, Bill here has lost his powers." Shen said, crossing her arms.

"I'm completely human now....." Bill said with his hands in his head.

"Wait!!" Tatiana said.

Everyone looked at her.

"I know how I can help!!"

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