Insane Asylum

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Mila Faye's POV~

I'm struggling trying to break out of this awful straitjacket that these assholes put me in. I start to get claustrophobic and begin sweating.

"LET ME OUT OF THIS!" I screamed put the nurse just put me in my room and locked me in. I went on my knees and began crying.

The reason why I'm in a Mental Institution is because my parents thought I was getting a little crazy when I caught my ex-boyfriend cheating on me with another girl who went to my school that I used to go to. I've made a plan since then, and I began stalking him and his new whore... or his new girlfriend. I went to his flat one night when his girlfriend wasn't there, and I broke all of his things, and stabbed his biceps. They took me down to the county jail, and on my court date, they told my parents they could either send me to 4 years of prison, or send me to a high class Mental Institution in London for 2 years... guess what they chose. This "high class institution" is pile of rubbish.

The nurses and doctors here are like dictators, high demanding and strict. When you don't follow their rules you get punished. I'm only 16 years old and I'm in this shit hole, alone and I have nobody by my side.

1 year later

It's my 17th birthday and I'm still in this crazy shack. Today they told me that my Mother and Father are coming here to see me and celebrate, just looking at them will make me want to kill them.

A note slid down my door and I picked it up and read it.

'Your parents will be here soon, get ready and look happy... OR ELSE!'

I threw the note in my trash ben. I went to my closet and picked out the uniforms all the female patients get, a white night gown looking dress, and we wore white nurses shoes, and I put my hair up in a pony tail.

I heard a harsh knock on the door.

"Okay let's go and get this over with... remember to smile." He took my arm and took me down the haul down to the visiting station where I saw Asshole (Mother) and Dipshit (Father).

"Mila oh my gosh honey!" My Mother went up to me and hugged me tightly. I didn't more my arms to hug her back.

"Hello Mother." I had no emotions towards my Mother or Father all I think when I see them is, "I just want to kill you."

"Hi Baby Girl, you look great!" REALLY I LOOK GOOD! If they only knew what was happening in this "high class" place.

"Dad... I hate it here." I began to tear up while we were being seated.

"I know honey, but they're only here to help y-" Father said.

"HELP ME. THEYRE HURTING ALL THEIR PATIENTS!" I screamed, and everyone stared at me. I looked about at the guard... I'm dead tonight.

"Sweetie they're not hurting you, I bet your only saying that because you want us to bail you out." Mother said.

"No I'm no-"

"Okay Miss Mila times up." The guard rudely interrupted me. I had fear in the eyes when you forced me out of my seat.

"We just got to see her though." Mother said.

"Her doctor said its time for her to get her... medicine." He said. We started going towards the door that brings me to my room. He shuts the door behind him and went up to me.

"No, no please don't hurt me." I cried. He begins to take off his shirt, and pants... that's the day I got rapped, and it repeated

1 year later

Free... I-I'm finally free. Today I had a note slip under my door today and this is what it said,

'Congratulations, you have completed your 2 years of rehab here at London's Help Institution! Today you will be released and be taken home were you will be doing 6 months of therapy. We will miss you so much Mila Faye Dail and good luck in the future.
Your Truly,
Max Shang'

I was escorted out by one of the nurses that I have never seen in my 2 years in "The Crazy Shack". I saw my Mother and Father standing there by a taxi with wide arms.

"Oh sweetie! I haven't seen you in so long!" Mother hugged me and I hugged her back. I'm not happy to see her, I'm happy that I'm finally out of that place!

"Hi Mom. I'm so happy I'm out of there so I can be normal now." I said starting to tear up a little bit.

"Okay honey don't hog her, she my little girl too."

"Hi Daddy." I hugged him the tightest because honestly, I know my mom chose to send me here and not let my father know about it.

"Wow you look so grown up, we called so we could be here for your 18th birthday, but they told us we couldn't because you were sick." Actually I was being rapped thank you.

"Uh yeah I had a bad cold, hey guys can we just get out of her please, I don't feel comfortable here." I asked politely. My Dad put my bags in the back back of the taxi and we headed off to the airport. People are right, leaving hell is amazing.

the next day

My parents and I came up to a house that I've never seen before, they probably moved while I was away.

"Honey there is someone I want you to meet when we come inside." My Mother said. It was probably a dog, my mom always asked my Dad for a dog to have around in the house but he always said no.

When we pulled into the garage I got out of the car and went towards the door to enter the house.

"Thank you so much Lindsey for looking after him." My mother said to this girl who looked maybe 16 years old.

"Oh your welcome ma'am, I'll see you next week." she said and left.

"Mom why was she here?" I asked.

"Well, 4 months ago your father and I had a baby, his name is Joshua." Dad came downstairs with a baby in his hands and I was shocked.

"So you just replaced me when I was gone."

"No! It just happened, I thought I couldn't have anymore kids after your were born but, 9 months later, here's Joshua." I went up to him and look at him. He had my dads nose and my moms mouth and eyes.

"Hi Joshua." I looked at him and smiled.

"We also have another surprise for you." Dad said. He handed me 2 tickets that said 'VIP One Direction' they're my favorite band.

"Wow thanks guys, and it's in 2 months." They both nodded.

"We're a family now." My Mom smiled and we all came into a group hug.

What the don't know is... I'm still a crazy MotherFucker.

Hey guys my name is Madison and I'm 1/3 of the owners of this account! So what my part of the account is I have the creepy and psycho stories. I'm so excited to be writing this story and I hope you all like it!

You can also follow me on my Wattpad account madib91!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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