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Violet POV-

I looked at myself one more time in the mirror before I left my room forever.

My curly blonde hair was pulled into a side braid and I had no makeup on at all. I looked like a completely different person. This is the person that I have tried to hide for 5 years.

"Let's go Violet!" my fathers voice called out and I grabbed my suitcase and took one last look around, before shutting the door.

I ran downstairs and I looked at my maid, Sylvia who looked gorgeous as always. Her thick, red hair was pulled into a stylish bun. Sylvia was in her mid 20's and as offered thos job when she was 17. She left her whole family in Los Angles behind and flew here to work for my family. We are all, so very grateful for her.

Every morning Sylvia would style my hair and help me pick out what to wear and give me advice and life lessons. She was like an older sister to me.

I exchanged looks with Sylvia and we both sighed heavily. Sylvia was coming with us because my father and I both didn't want any other person to be our maid. She barely had any luggage. She had a small duffel bag and a backpack.

"Lets go, Vi." she said, offering a kind smile, revealing all her pearly white teeth. She could've been a model.

We walked outside together and suddenly, a familar figure walked up to Sylvia and I.

"What do want Nevaeh?" I spat.

Nevaeh was my worst nightmare. Ever since 3rd grade, she has hated me and made it her duty to make my life a living hell and shes damn good at it too.

"Nothing, neighbor. Or should I say, stranger?" she said flipping her thick brown hair.

"Just leave me alone, Nevaeh. I'm leaving now, just give it a rest." I said.

"Will do. Goodbye Violet. It was a pleasure, being enimies with you." she said.

I sighed and got into the limo where my father and maid sat. I took a seat across from Sylvia and pulled out my phone and earbuds.

I drifted off into a sleep while listening to the sweet sound of Sam Smith's voice.


I was shaken awake by Sylvia and gave her a confused look. I then realized where the heck I was and what was happening.

We got out of the car and walked into the airport.

We got through security fine and got on the plane. I had a seat next to a really pretty girl, who's name was Dove. She had thin white hair (0bviously dyed), and sky blue eyes. Her name really suited her. We talked for a long time and it turns out, she was going to the same place as me.

"What school will you be attending?" she asked in her cute little British accent.

"Oh, Dalton Academy." I answered.

She almost choked on her coke and looked at me with a shocked face.

"Dalton Academy, as in THE Dalton Academy originally for boys?!" she asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"Im going there too! Apparently we are going to be the only girls there, except for some girl named Maria. Shes not very friendly." she said perkily.

"Great! I wont be alone!" I exclaimed.

"Yup! I can help you with everything that has to do with boys, makeup, and SHOPPING. I LAAAAAAAAAAV SHOPPINGGGGGGG!" she practically yelled.

"Okay, hehe." I said awkwardly.

This is gonna be a hella interesting year.

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