Chapter 6- Trusting

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Nico woke the next morning only to find a warm embrace restricting him from stretching his arms. He was warm and (as much as he hated to admit) comfortable in the position but of course his demigod alarm bells had to ruin the moment. Staying deadly still from the shoulders down Nico turned his head to meet a face full of cotton shirt- light blue, he discovered in the half light, with a slight waft of fabric conditioner which (again he hated to admit) was soothingly familiar.
Will sighed in his sleep and his grip loosened on Nico enough for him to slip out of the embarrassing but oh so comfortable position. The night's event's rushed back to him quicker than the Little Tiber could wash away an enchantment and his ears burned involuntarily when he realised with embarrassment what he'd done.
Nico glanced at Will, who was still propped up on pillows sound asleep, praying that by some miracle he might not remember Nico spilling his guts the night before when be woke up. Only Nico was suddenly more concerned that the son of Apollo might wake up with a crick in his neck from sleeping practically sitting up and he was annoyed with  himself for caring so much. The clock on the wall read just before six in the morning, so Nico ever so gently removed the bottom pillow from the pile Will was perched on, and left.
It was after six when Nico emerged from the washroom with slightly dripping hair dampening the back of the neck of his T-shirt. He really needed to get a hair cut, he would be able to tie it back before long. Will remained sleeping peacefully and Nico allowed him to continue; it was his fault the healer was so tired in the first place.

Out the window Nico could see a few of the early risers out of the camp's residents going about their mornings. Some going for a morning run, a few Demeter kids opening up flower boxes, and surprisingly Percy Jackson just exiting his cabin- running his hand  what looked routinely under a fountain on the veranda.

Nico had seen nothing of Percy since before Will had roped him into staying at the infirmary, save for a brief glimpse at the pavilion during meals. Percy stopped at the steps off the veranda and reached his hand out behind him to Annabeth who was just pulling the door shut as she too exited the Poseidon cabin. Percy stooped to kiss his girlfriend and the two exchanged brief words before Annabeth headed over to her own cabin, Percy watched after her for a moment before heading in the opposite direction- perhaps towards with sword fighting arena.

Nico suddenly felt the urge to follow Percy and talk to him. No doubt the two of them wound be painfully awkward around each other and it made Nico wonder why the thought had crossed his mind. Glancing back at the mop of blonde hair poking out of the covers as Will slept on, Nico's gut gave a tiny lurch and he struggled to smother a little smile. Yep, he was definitely over Percy Jackson.

The sword fighting arena was totally empty apart from Percy . It felt good for Nico to have his Styron Iron sword at his side again as he crossed the dirt ground. Thud after thud echoed off the stands as Percy repeatedly slammed an unfortunate dummy with the flat of his sword, unaware of his approaching cousin.
"You know, you'd probably do a hell of a lot better against a real opponent," Nico startled Percy who swung around only for their blades to clang.
"N-Nico!" Percy's shock was evident.
"Hey," he greeted halfheartedly, dropping his blade to his side, "Need a sparring partner?"
"Uh, yeah, sure," Percy recovered from his shock and an easy going expression returned to his face, "shouldn't you be in the infirmary though?"
"Don't even go there," Nico huffed, " thanks for visiting by the way." Nico had no idea why he was suddenly teasing. An awkward way to ease the tension? Yep, definitely awkward.
However faced with Percy in a fighting stance Nico slipped easily into his own stance and it was as easy as that. The two sparred until more and more campers started heading for breakfast. Percy of course thrashed Nico in the majority of their little matches but it felt good to be back in combat training at least.
"We should head to breakfast," Percy offered a hand to Nico who was once again down in the dirt.
"A day in the infirmary and I'm already out of practice," Nico mumbled, getting up on his own.
"Well you can  hardly expect to win right off the bat with these spindly little things," Percy poked Nico's producing wrist bone. His arms had remained somewhat muscular from fighting to stay alive but his lower arms and hands were thin to match the rest of his malnourished exterior. Percy quietened abruptly at the small flash of anguish he saw flitting across the younger boys face.
"NICO DI ANGELO!" Both demigods were startled (although Nico didn't show it) by a blonde figure marching across the arena. "What do you think you're doing sword fighting? In fact, why are you even up this early, you're supposed to be resting!" Will poked Nico in the chest accusingly.
"Will I-"
"Nico I was worried about you!" Will cut him off.
"Shut up and let me explain myself will you!" Nico's voice raised slightly angrily .
Will was still, "what?"
"I came here to-" Nico was suddenly very self conscious of the two boys in front of him, "-nothing. Don't worry about it, I'll tell you later."
Nico sheathed his sword and turned for the exit. Will paused before following after him.
"Thanks for sparring with me Nico!" Percy called after him. Nico just waved his hand in response.
"What was that about?" Will questioned as they approached the dining pavilion where the majority of campers where eating.
"I said I'll tell you later," Nico brushed him off, "you sit with your siblings today. You've barely seen them the last couple of days. I'm going to sit at my own table."
Will seemed to get that he was leaving no room for argument but there was conflict in his eyes as he caught his patients arm as he turned away.
"Fine. Just make sure you come back to the infirmary after breakfast so I can check you over and put some more healing paste on those scratches."
Nico desperately tried to avoid those blue eyes but failed.
"I will," he pulled his arm from the other boy's grasp and made his way over to the Hades table. He intentionally dodged Jason at the Zeus table, not wanting to be forced to join him as Percy was then making his way over to join his blonde haired 'bro'.


The infirmary that morning was busier than usual. An accident on the climbing wall plus two of Will's siblings being off sick  (ironic really) meant that Nico's morning examination was put on hold as Will attempted to organise what was left of his family into a functioning medical team. It might have taken half the morning to do it, but do it Will Solace did and it was nearing lunch time when he plopped down in the chair next to Nico's bed. The dark haired boy had cut a few bandages and handed out nectar throughout the morning but retreated to the solitary of his designated bed once Will and whipped his cabin mates into some form of organisation.

"You're still smiling," Nico noted. Will' face was flushed from rushing around but his usual grin still lit up his features. 

"Good observation skills Di Angelo," Will rolled up Nico's short sleeve revealing the pink and slightly sore remnants of the werewolf scratches, "nothing like rallying the younger ones into a mini on-call team so early in the day." He had a fond look on his face.

"You're close with your siblings." Yet another statement.

"On a roll this morning aren't you Nico?" Will teased lightly as he smoothed the cooling paste over his biceps. Nico blinked. "Yes, what with being the head councilor I am very close with my siblings."

With anyone else, Nico would have put up a bitter barrier at the mention of a sibling relationship- increasingly less since he had Hazel; but he found that he didn't feel that way towards Will. A little reasoning said that nothing that happened to Bianca was remotely Will's fault. Even more annoyingly this reasoning also meant that Will was perfectly entitled to express his sibling relationships without experiencing the backlash of Nico's bitterness and longing.

"You're thinking about your sister. Not Hazel," it was Will's turn to make a statement. Nico was slightly astonished at the bluntness.

"Yes," he said carefully. 

Will's eyes were soft but Nico was lad not to detect any pity in the earnest blue. The two lapsed into silence as Will finished up making a few notes. Nico's thoughts drifted to the morning' events. He was internally annoyed that he'd shut down abruptly as soon as Percy touched on everything that had happened to him. Although it felt like a pressing burden had been lifted from Nico's mind now that he new Percy seemed not to have a problem with him, Nico was still bothered by the fact he could form a stable friendship without shutting of some time or another.

"So," Will's smooth tone bought Nico back to reality, " there must be a reason you ditched me so early in the morning to catch Percy."

"What makes you think that," Nico mumbled looking at the floor.

"Well you've been physically and mentally exhausted the last few days so I hardly think you'd go at the crack of down for a friendly chat. Especially not voluntarily."

Well he'd hit the nail on the head there and Nico scowled not only at the small wise crack at the end but also that Will had either guessed right out of dumb luck or he could read him like an open book. Nico didn't like either option.

"That's really none of your business," Nico tried to make his tone sound final.

"Anything that makes my patient leave without so much as a note at six o'clock in the morning is what I deem 'my business'," Will argued.

Nico put on a hard glare, one that usually shut anyone who questioned him right up, "well I guess we've got a small difference in opinion then."

Will stared right back at him, eyebrows raised with an expectant expression. But Nico was adamant not to be forced into coming out as stupid Cupid had forced him to. Much to his dismay, a small flutter of those skeletal butterflies melted his stand slightly and Nico remembered how Jason had accepted him for what he was right off the bat. He then scolded himself for believing in that hope.

"I will crack you Nico," Will said.

Only then did he notice that his hard glare was gone and whatever pained or uncomfortable expression had replaced it caused concern to flicker through the blonde's eyes.

Damn, he was a mess.

A/N- First off, thanks for reading this far! I've made Nico a hell of a lot more angst-y than I intended to but things will be getting much less boring soon (I hope).

Also, I've dedicated this part to bookbarbie101, thank you for being my first comment-er and i'm so glad you like it!!

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